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59 Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire Indoor Sports Facility Strategy PDF 177 KB
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Matter for Decision
The Officer’s report set out the work which had been
undertaken with South Cambridgeshire District Council to develop the Indoor
Sports Facility Strategy 2015-2031 which addressed the future provision of
indoor sports halls, swimming pools and outdoor cycling facilities to serve
existing and new communities in
Cambridge and South Cambridge. The strategy has assessed existing
facilities, the future need for sport and active recreation facilities and
opportunities for new provision.
Decision of Executive Councillor
for Planning Policy and Transport
the Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire Indoor Sports Facility Strategy
2015-2031 (Appendix C) as a material consideration in decision making and as
part of the technical evidence base for the Local Plan with immediate effect.
that any minor amendments and editing changes are made in consultation with the
Executive Councillor for Planning Policy and
Transport the Chair and Spokesperson of Development Plan Scrutiny
Reason for the Decision
As set out in the Officer’s report.
Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
Not applicable.
Scrutiny Considerations
The Committee received a report from the Planning Policy Manager.
The Committee made the following comments in response to the report:
Squash did not appear to feature in the
documentation and commented that the City had recently lost a publicly
accessible squash facility on Histon Road following a
planning application.
Commented that swimmers liked different facilities
not just swimming pools in leisure centres but swimming facilities which were
located outside, were not heated and had no roof. Reference was made to Jesus
Green swimming pool.
Commented that there was no need for a cycle track
but there was an aspiration to provide one so this had been included within the
Commented that there appeared to be a balancing act
between the provision of sporting facilities which the
Council’s evidence base did not support but where there was an aspiration from
the Governing Body.
The Strategic Leisure Consultants, Sports & Recreation Manager and
the Planning Policy Manager said the following in response to Members’
Squash court provision in the City had been looked
at as part of the work. Squash was not like other sports and currently there
was a national decline in the popularity of the sport. Squash was popular in
the 70s and 80s. There was not a lot of play and pay provision in the City, but
centres at Kelsey Kerridge and the North West
university site had public courts for hire and currently met all the local
With regards to the planning application the site
where the squash courts were situated was allocated within the local plan for
residential development, therefore the loss of the facility was accepted by the
site when it was allocated in the Local Plan.
Commented that if proposals came forward for
sporting facilities there was a whole host of factors which would be taken into
account and which would be balanced against location, green belt and any
special circumstances.
Commented that Jesus Green swimming pool was not
included in the modelling output as it was a seasonal facility, however ideas
could be developed going forward to extend the seasons and available
There are proposals for a swimming pool at the
North West University site; however whatever size was being delivered would not
be enough to fulfil the unmet demand across the districts, as it was not in a
location that could provide suitable access for all public demand generated
from the growth across the two local authorities.
The Committee unanimously resolved to endorse the recommendations.
The Executive Councillor approved the recommendation.
Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted)
No conflicts of interest
were declared by the Executive Councillor.