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Environmental Data Reports - SAC

Meeting: 29/02/2016 - South Area Committee (Item 7)

7 Environmental Data Reports - SAC pdf icon PDF 353 KB


The Committee received a report from the Operations Manager – Community Engagement and Enforcement.


The report outlined an overview of City Council Refuse and Environment and Streets and Open Spaces service activity relating to the geographical area served by the South Area Committee.  The report identified the reactive and proactive service actions undertaken in the previous year, including the requested priority targets, and reported back on the recommended issues and associated actions to be targeted in the following quarter.  It also included key officer contacts for the reporting of waste and refuse and public realm issues.


The Committee discussed the following issues:

     i.        Bins were needed on routes around Addenbrooke’s hospital to prevent mess.

    ii.        Time credits were now available from the council where organisations could give credit/reward for individuals/groups and organisations recognition for volunteer work. There was no cost to the City Council who could act as a single point of contact for the public volunteering with all different council teams. .


In response to Members’ questions the Operations Manager – Community Engagement and Enforcement said the following:

     i.        Issues from ward walk abouts would be signposted to key City and County Council as the public did not necessarily differentiate between the two.

    ii.        The motor home parked in Church End since early 2015 was being investigated.

   iii.        Mowbray and Hulatt Road pathways were being cleaned by City Ranger Ed Nugent.

  iv.        No response has been received from the County Council regarding the proposal to paint no cycling signs on the pavement and this would be followed up officers.


ACTION: Officers to follow up and report back in April.


     i.        Cambridge University were responsible for passageways around Addenbrooke’s and their maintenance. Officers would monitor passageway cleanliness and report issues to the University.


Following discussion, Members unanimously resolved to approve priorities for action as set out below:


Recommendation 1

Early morning, daytime and weekend patrols for dog fouling on Bliss Way/Tenby Close, Nightingale Avenue Recreation Ground, and Cherry Hinton Hall.


Recommendation 2

Enforcement targeted approach to areas where Addenbrookes site joins residential areas such as Hills Road and Red Cross Lane and to work with Addenbrookes to work towards the bus station area being cleaned up.


Recommendation 3


Enforcement to work with the County Council, against utilities and companies that damage the verge on Mowbray and Fendon Road.


Recommendation 4


Enforcement action against nuisance vehicles being repaired at Arran Close.


Recommendation 5


Enforcement joint working and patrols to deal with littering from students of Long Road Sixth Form in the areas of Long Road and Sedley Taylor Road.


Recommendation 6


Clearing of leaf mould, litter and general tidy up in Teversham Drift and investigation of food and waste being littered in the area.