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Strategic Review of Community Provision - EAC

Meeting: 07/04/2016 - East Area Committee (Item 9)

9 Strategic Review of Community Provision pdf icon PDF 427 KB


The Committee received a report from Jackie Hanson, the Community Funding & Development Manager regarding the work being undertaken as part of the strategic review of community provision.


The Committee were also provided with a list of community facilities identified to date across the city that were invited to complete a survey and a map of those that had responded to the facility audit.


The Committee discussed the following issues:

i.             The map of community facilities which had been provided highlighted the areas which had the most deprivation and did not have community facilities; thought would need to be given to this information.

ii.            The map of community facilities was useful as it highlighted where a need was and if it was being met.

iii.           Encouraged people to take part in the consultation.

iv.          Questioned whether the facilities which had received funding were providing facilities to the whole of the community.


The Community Funding & Development Manager commented that:

i.             During the consultation more community facilities were being identified and would be included in the review.

ii.            Community facilities would be encouraged to take part in the consultation.

iii.           There were agreements in place with facilities who had received s106 agreement funding to monitor the use of the facility.  Mystery shopping checks were also undertaken so that the Council could check that the facility was meeting the agreed use.

iv.          The facilities had been plotted by type on the plan, this did not necessarily show the number of facilities in the ward or the capacity of the facility in the ward.


The Committee


Resolved unanimously to:


i.             Note the work of the review and initial findings of the city-wide community facilities audit.

ii.            Promote the ‘call for evidence’ stage of the review and encourage stakeholders to feed in their experience and evidence as detailed in sections 5 and 6 of the Officer’s report.