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Mill Road Depot Planning and Development Brief Supplementary Planning Document

Meeting: 28/01/2016 - East Area Committee (Item 51)

51 Mill Road Depot Planning and Development Brief Supplementary Planning Document pdf icon PDF 402 KB


The Committee received a report from the Urban Design and Conservation Manager regarding the Mill Road Draft Planning and Development Brief and Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).


The report provided an update on the preparation of the Planning and Development Brief SPD which would help guide the redevelopment of the Mill Road Depot.  The depot was allocated for residential development in the Cambridge Local Plan 2014: Proposed Submission for 167 dwellings.


A second consultation evening had taken place on Tuesday 26 January 2016, the Urban Design and Conservation Manager listed a summary of the issues discussed, this included:


i.             Broad support for a range of house types

ii.            Support for affordable housing

iii.           Consideration for community uses and community groups who may want to relocate onto the site.

iv.          The access strategy off Mill Road and requested that there was no vehicle access to Hooper Street

v.           Car parking

vi.          Dwellings being 2 – 4 storeys in height

vii.         Expressed support for the Council to retain control of the site


A member of the public made the following comment:


Mr Gawthrop commented that he hoped the site would continue to be considered for housing and that other uses proposed in the past would not be considered.


The Committee had a varied discussion the topics included:

i.             Tenure mix

ii.            Sustainable urban drainage system

iii.           The mature trees on the site and the position of public open space

iv.          The development and the viability of the site.

v.           Car parking provision


The Committee noted the report.