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Future of Park Street Car Park

Meeting: 18/01/2016 - Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Committee (Item 105)

105 Future of Park Street Car Park pdf icon PDF 120 KB


Matter for decision

The report addressed the specific requests for further work into the Park Street Car Park development made by the Leader in respect of tenure mix, preferred development option, opportunities to provide housing that is affordable and whether to build the Affordable Housing itself or to sell it to a Registered Provider. 


Decision of the Leader

i.             Noted the impact of different tenure mixes on financial return for the Council and that a final scheme for the redevelopment of the Park Street Car Park will be brought back to the Strategy and Resources Committee recommending a tenure mix, budget and development option.

ii.            Noted that the final scheme will have received prior scrutiny from the Council’s Capital Programme Board and will be the subject of a Planning and Development Brief agreed with the Council’s planning section.

iii.           Following this interim update, further recommendations and analysis will be brought forward in further reports, integrating proposals for

-      The development and funding model for Park Street, including projected costs, capital and revenue projections and budget.

-      The redevelopment content and the design for the new car park, housing, secure cycle parking and other elements

-      Detailed proposals for affordable housing and wider housing delivery, in line with decisions made to date.

-      The parking and transport mitigation strategy during the development period.

-      The delivery timetable and communication plan for the project including updates for the public dialogue with traders and organisations in the Bridge Street area before and during the project. 

Reason for the Decision 

As set out in the Officer’s report.


Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

Not applicable.


Scrutiny Considerations

The Committee received a report from the Head of Strategic Housing and Head of Specialist Services.


The Chair proposed an additional recommendation (c) (additional text underlined)


Following this interim update, further recommendations and analysis will be brought forward in further reports, integrating proposals for

1.   The development and funding model for Park Street, including projected costs, capital and revenue projections and budget.

2.   The redevelopment content and the design for the new car park, housing, secure cycle parking and other elements

3.   Detailed proposals for affordable housing and wider housing delivery, in line with decisions made to date.

4.   The parking and transport mitigation strategy during the development period.

5.   The delivery timetable and communication plan for the project including updates for the public dialogue with traders and organisations in the Bridge Street area before and during the project

On a show of hands the additional recommendation was unanimously agreed


The Committee unanimously resolved to endorse the recommendations.


The Leader approved the recommendations.


Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Leader (and any Dispensations Granted):

Not applicable.