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Constitutional Changes, For Council Meetings, Procedure Rules, Amending the Constitution / Terms of Reference, For Review of Local Democratic Engagement.

Meeting: 17/02/2016 - Civic Affairs (Item 63)

63 Constitutional Changes, For Council Meetings, Procedure Rules, Amending the Constitution / Terms of Reference, For Review of Local Democratic Engagement. pdf icon PDF 65 KB


The committee received a report from the Head of Legal Services which sought approval for changes to the Council Procedure Rules to better manage the time spent at council meetings, agreement to the Terms of Reference for a review of local democratic engagement and approval for the Monitoring Officer to make routine changes to the Constitution to keep it up to date.


The Independent Person requested that as part of the review of local democratic engagement the use of social media was taken into consideration as part of this process


In response to members’ questions, the Democratic Services Manager said that the Council was looking to film the next Full Council meeting as a pilot exercise.


Councillor Cantrill proposed additional text to recommendation 2.4 (additional text underlined):


To recommend to Council the changes to the Constitution as set out in Appendix 2 to allow the Monitoring Officer to keep the Constitution Updated.  The Monitoring Officer would also keep Members informed of changes to the Constitution.


On a show of hands the additional text was agreed unanimously. 


The amended recommendations were put to the vote:


Resolved (unanimously):


Constitution changes:

i.             To recommend to Council the changes to Council Procedure Rules as set out in Appendix 1 of the officer’s report.

ii.            That the Committee review the effect of these changes in Spring 2017.


Motion on public engagement in local democracy:

iii.           To agree a member working party with terms of reference, composition and delivery timetable as set out in paragraphs 4.2 to 4.3


Updating the Constitution

iv.          To recommend to Council the changes to the Constitution as set out in Appendix 2 to allow the Monitoring Officer to keep the Constitution Updated.  The Monitoring Officer would also keep Members informed of changes to the Constitution.