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Policing & Safer Neighbourhoods - NAC 20 Jan 2016

Meeting: 20/01/2016 - North Area Committee (Item 5)

5 Policing & Safer Neighbourhoods pdf icon PDF 242 KB

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The Committee received a report from Sergeant Wragg regarding Policing and Safer Neighbourhood Trends.


The report outlined actions taken since the North Area Committee of the 10th September 2015. The current emerging issues/neighbourhood trends for each ward were also highlighted (see report for full details).


The Committee and members of the public asked the following question regarding the report:


Q1. Councillor Bird

Speeding in Green End Road and Chesterton High Street was still a problem. In addition anti-social parking in area caused hazards. Can action be taken?


A. Speedwatch volunteers had been trained and would be covering this area. Pavement parking was more problematic as it was hard to define the term ‘obstruction’.   


Q2. Councillor Price                                                                             

Burglary and violent crime statistic appeared to be demonstrating a large increase in offences in the area. The recent incident at the Golden Hind has added to community fears.


A. Burglaries often increased in the run up to Christmas due to darker evenings. A criminal group had been active in the area and targeted work had picked them up. A single individual working an area could have a significant impact on the figures. However, some of the increase could simply be the result of better recording of incidents. There had not been a corresponding increase in the figures for personal injuries. 


Q3. Councillor Smart

Can anything be done to address rat running in Lovell Road or the way that statnavs direct motorist to some residential streets.


A. This had been an issue for some time. Action was taken when possible.


Q4. Councillor Sales

Action to address the use of Victoria Road by heavy goods vehicles appeared to have been a lot of effort for a small result. Signage in the area was poor and large vehicles often find they are committed to the turn before they see the signs.


A. Action was taken where possible.


Q5. Councillor Pitt

Are there any violent crime hotspots?


A. No. Reported crime is spread across the City.


Q6. Kay Harris

Crime in King Hedge’s appeared to be rising. Why?


A. This area gets a lot of Police attention. There were a number of local centres and gathering places for young people.


Q7. Councillor Austin

Residents reported traffic problems in Asham Road and Gurney Road at school drop off and collection times.


A. The school entrance on Gilbert Road could be problematic as a drop off or collection point and alternatives were encouraged. Parking in the area slows the flow of traffic and the Police were not aware of any major problems. Officers would be tasked to visit the area at these time.


Q8. Councillor Perry

Recent anti-drug use initiatives were welcomed. What work was on-going with users and what was being done to clean up drug user waste paraphernalia?


A. The Streetlife Service works with individuals to address their issues and to encourage safe disposal of contaminated waste. The City Rangers also clean up such waste.


Q9. Councillor Perry

What actions or sanctions were Speedwatch volunteers able to apply?


A. Speedwatch volunteers were not able to provide evidence that could result in court action. However, letters were sent to offending motorists. This evidence could also lead to Police action in problem areas.


Q10. Richard Taylor

Why do CCTV signs remain when the cameras appear to have been removed?


A. CCTV signs were often used to keep criminals guessing about where cameras were located.


Q11. Richard Taylor

North Area residents had concerns about a recent murder in the area. When would more information be released?


A. Police were not aware of any concerns in the neighbourhood. The incident was quite contained and the public were not in any danger. It would be inappropriate to comment further about on-going investigations.


Q12. Richard Taylor

Suggested that violent crime, burglary and reducing personal injuries be added as a priority?


A. These issues would always be a priority and were not the issues where a local area priority could add value.


The Committee agreed to consider the Akeman Street and Darwin Drive incidents at a later date when the Police had been given an opportunity to investigate the issues.


The Committee:


Resolved unanimously to prioritise the following:


     i.        Continue the safeguarding / enforcement work around the supply of Class A Drugs (Op Hexham).

      ii.            Speeding in the Chesterton High Street and Green end Road area.