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County Council - Lighting Proposal NAC

Meeting: 19/11/2015 - North Area Committee (Item 47)

47 County Council - Lighting Proposal pdf icon PDF 54 KB

Alan Hitch: Strategic Projects Manager, Cambridgeshire County Council

Additional documents:


The Committee received a report from the Safer Communities Manager regarding the County Council street lighting proposals.

Alan Hitch, the Strategic Projects Manager of Cambridgeshire County Council was present to answer questions.


Councillor Sinnott addressed the committee and made the following comments:

·        The consultation invited limited responses and was complicated.

·        Questioned how widely the consultation had been promoted.

·        Suggested it was based on limited evidence of potential increased risks to personal safety increased crime.

·        Stated that other local authorities had modified their plans due to adverse impacts.


The Strategic Projects Manager stated that the impact on crime would be closely monitored.


The Strategic Projects Manager responded to the following questions:


Q1. Leila Dockerill

The Cambridge News stated that, in some areas, the public had chosen to pay for additional lighting.


A. Parishes could make that decision.


Q2. Member of the Public

If the consultation demonstrates a lack of support for the proposals, would they be stopped?


A. The results of the consultation would be considered by the County Council and a decision would be made in January 2016.


Q3. Councillor Manning

Clarified that the decision regarding street lighting had not been considered in isolation. Budgetary savings were needed and if they did not come from reducing the cost of street lighting they would have to be found elsewhere.


Q4. Member of the Public

Is it the nature of young people to hang about in groups doing nothing in particular into the early hours of the morning. Loss of street lights between midnight and 2am would make those young people vulnerable.


Q5. Member of the Public

Could alternatives such as diming the lights or installing motion sensors to turn them on and off be considered?


A. The proposals included dimming lights. However, this alone would not produce the required savings.

Motion sensors were not an option as the technology was not available and lights going on and off would disturb nearby houses.



Q6. Member of the Public

Has an equalities impact assessment been carried out and the loss of street lights would have a greater impact on some than others? It could increase feelings of social isolation. In addition, pavements were in a poor state of repair in some areas and this could deter some people from leaving their homes after dark.


Q7. Member of the Public

Fluorescent lighting is inefficient and take a long time to warm up. Could more efficient LED lights be installed.


A. LED lighting might be a solution for the future. They were not an option at the present time as the contractor was delivering the solutions agreed in 2010.


Q8. Councillor Bird

Could every other light be turned off?


A. This was not an option as the 2009 contract restricts the distance between lights.


Q9. Councillor Sinnott

Savings achieved by reducing lighting would be transferred to other bodies and accidents and crime rates would rise. Balfour Beatty had left a number of hazards following recent works.


A. Specific problems and issues should always be reported. In addition, highways were regularly inspected to ensure they met the required standards.


Q10. Councillor Sinnott

A march was planned for 4th December in support of keeping the street lighting on.


Q11. Councillor Pitt

There were a number of on-going campaigns in support of retaining street lighting.


The Committee thanked Alan Hitch for attending the meeting.


County Council consultation commenced on 26th October 2015 and would end on the 11th December 2015.




The Committee noted Strategy and Resources Committee Report regarding the County Council lighting proposal and asked for their comments to be taken up with the County in the planned negotiations.