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Pro-active Conservation Programme

Meeting: 12/01/2016 - Environment Scrutiny Committee (Item 43)

43 Pro-active Conservation Programme pdf icon PDF 98 KB


Matter for Decision


To approve the pro-active conservation programme and agree the preparation of a draft conservation area appraisal for Barrow Road.


Decision of the Executive Councillor for Planning Policy and Transport.


i.        Agreed the pro-active conservation programme as set out in the Officer’s report and Appendix 1 of the Officer’s report.


ii.       Agreed to the preparation of a draft conservation area appraisal for Barrow Road as set out in this report.


Reason for the Decision

As set out in the Officer’s report.


Any Alterative Options Considered and Rejected

Not applicable.


Scrutiny Considerations


Councillor Avery stated the following points:


i.        Welcomed the recommendation which had the support of       residents of Barrow Road.

ii.       Impressed with the working relationship between residents      and Officers.

iii.      Barrow Road was seen as a key part of the development of    the history of Cambridge and it was important to preserve this history.


The Committee received a report from the Principal Conservation and Design Officer which referred to work that had been completed as part of the Council’s pro-active conservation work program to date and the projected work for 2016-17.


The report also sought approval from the Executive Councillor for Planning Policy and Transport on a specific request to designate Barrow Road a conservation area.


In response to the Committee’s comments the Urban Design and Conservation Manager and Principal Conservation and Design Officer responded with the following:

i.        With regards to the Article 4 Direction referenced in the report concerning the Mill Road Conservation Area this        would allow the City Council to remove permitted           development rights. This meant the occupant would have to   submit a planning application for work which normally did not    need one, as the work had been deemed not to be in          keeping with the area of acknowledged importance. This         would allow officers and Councillors to consider certain   matters further.

ii.       Article 4 Directions could not be issued retrospectively.

iii.      Residents of Barrow Road had put forward a proposal to         contribute towards the costs to undertake a draft        conservation area appraisal but it would be the decision of          the City Council to decide if Barrow Road warranted       conservation status.

iv.      Officers worked closely with residents association and ward   councillors to highlight the issues of rendering and cleaning        of the brick work on what was acceptable in a conservation        area.

v.       City Council Conservation Officers were involved in City Deal           projects.

vi.      Parking issues could and are addressed in conservation         reports but this was a separate policy issue for the relevant          local authorities.


The Committee resolved unanimously to endorse the recommendations.


The Executive Councillor approved the amended recommendations.


Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor and (and any Dispensations Granted)


No conflicts of interest were declared by the Executive Councillor