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179 15/0287/FUL - Cantabrigian Rugby Club, Sedley Taylor Road PDF 140 KB
The Committee
received an application for full planning permission.
The application
sought approval for erection of 1No. dwelling, formation of a new access on to
Long Road and associated operational development. This application was brought
back to committee 2 September 2015 in response to comments raised by the owner/
occupier of no.23 Sedley Taylor Road after the
Planning Committee meeting of 5 August 2015, where the application was approved
by committee.
The Committee received a representation in objection to the application
from Professor Muthesius.
The representation covered the following issues:
Took issue with details in the
Officer’s report and suggested this created a false impression of the site.
The development
did not fit into the site set out in the previous iteration of the report (5
August 2015).
to her objections raised 5 August 2015 and said the application should not be
approved for these reasons.
Mr Mead (Applicant’s Agent) addressed the Committee in support of the
Councillor Moore (Queen Edith’s Ward Councillor) addressed the Committee
about the application.
The representation covered the following issues:
The principle of developing the site was
acceptable, but he took issue with this application.
Raised the following specific concerns:
· A massive house
was proposed for the space available. It had a large footprint in comparison to
· Overdevelopment of
· There was no
garden. Queried where alternative open space would be available.
· Removing parking
spaces to implement the application would exacerbate existing issues. The
proposed new access was acceptable.
· A lack of
transparency on the reasons for approval originally given 5 August 2015.
The Committee:
Resolved (by 5 votes to 0) to grant the
application for planning permission in accordance with the officer
recommendation, for the reasons set out in the officer report, and subject to
the conditions recommended by the officers.