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Environmental Data Reports - NAC

Meeting: 31/03/2016 - North Area Committee (Item 22)

22 Environmental Reports - NAC pdf icon PDF 549 KB


The Committee received a report from the Operations Manager – Community Engagement and Enforcement.


The report outlined an overview of City Council Refuse and Environment and Streets and Open Spaces service activity relating to the geographical area served by the North Area Committee.  The report identified the reactive and proactive service actions undertaken in the previous quarter, including the requested priority targets, and reported back on the recommended issues and associated actions. It also included key officer contacts for the reporting of waste and refuse and public realm issues.


The following were suggestions for Members on what action could be considered for priority within the North Area for the quarter of March to May 2016:


Continuing Priorities


i.             Enforcement joint working patrols to deal with littering from students of Cambridge Regional College in the areas of Campkin Road and Nuns Way Recreational Ground and to work with the local businesses to address litter from their premises.

ii.            Enforcement patrols to tackle fly tipping on communal archways and green areas at Minerva Way.

iii.           Patrols to address dog fouling on King’s Hedges “Pulley” Recreation Ground, Nuns Way Recreation Ground and Arbury Town Park including early mornings, evenings and weekends.

iv.          Enforcement Patrols to tackle littering issues from shops at Carlton Terrace and Co-op on Chesterton Road and deal with waste management issues. 


The Committee and members of the public asked the following questions regarding the report:


Q1. Councillor Perry

Commented that there had been a lot of graffiti and tags and asked whether there had been support from the Police and what was happening.


A.  Aware that there were some areas with a slightly high problem with graffiti. Officers were working with the Police and welcomed reports of graffiti problems from members of the public.


Q2. Councillor Manning

Thanked Wendy for the work that had been undertaken by the Community Payback Team clearing bushes on Sherbourne Court, and commented that residents, including some from Browns Field House were impressed by the fact that community payback had done the work.


Asked whether there could be an additional priority for fly tipping at Pakenham Close and Kinross Road. Questioned the placement of a bin at Millennium Bridge.


A.  Was happy for the additional priority to be included.  Commented that if the bin on the Millennium Bridge became too full then the Council could not drive onto the bridge to remove it and the vehicle would not be able to collect it.


Q3. Councillor Bird

Commented that it looked as though fly tipping occurrences had gone up in the last few months and asked whether there was a reason for this. Expressed surprise at the numbers of abandoned vehicles.


A.  When the figures for fly tipping occurrences were analysed no patterns or trends were found.  There were 2 dedicated Officers on foot who were now picking occurrences up proactively rather than following a public report.  The public were more vigilant in querying whether vehicles were abandoned now that tax discs no longer had to be displayed in vehicles.


Q4. Mr Sargeant

Expressed thanks for the bins at Downham’s Lane / Milton Road junction.


Queried why the bin at Gilbert Road had been moved up the road.


A.  Officers would ensure that the bin was moved back to its original position.


Q5. Councillor Scutt

Echoed thanks for dog bins at De Freville Avenue and Chesterton Road and requested that a dog bin was installed outside Stir Café at Chesterton / Hawthorn Way as there had been an issue raised by Mr Bond regarding dog faeces.


Following discussion, Members unanimously resolved to approve priorities for action as above subject to the inclusion of an additional priority regarding fly tipping at Pakenham Close and Kinross Road.