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Issue - meetings

North Area Committee Dates 2015-16

Meeting: 09/04/2015 - North Area Committee (Item 19)

North Area Committee Dates 2015-16



The Committee is asked to agree the following meeting dates: 


11 June 2015

24 Sept 2015

12 Nov 2015

7 Jan 2016

31 March 2016


Members are asked to contact the Committee Manager in advance of the meeting with any comments regarding the above dates.



The Committee received a report for the Committee Manager recommending meeting dates for the municipal year 2014 to 2015.


RESOLVED (unanimously) to agree the following meeting dates:


11 June 2015

24 Sep 2015

12 Nov 2015

7 Jan 2016

31 March 2016


Committee Manager post-meeting note


Following consultation with members, the meeting for the 24 September 2015 has been rescheduled to the 10th September 2015 due to a clash of dates.