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Annual Update About the Work of our Strategic Partnerships

Meeting: 23/03/2015 - Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Committee (Item 32)

32 Annual Update About the Work of our Strategic Partnerships pdf icon PDF 303 KB


Matter for Decision

The Officer’s report provided an update on the key external partnerships the Council was involved with. It was given on an annual basis and is part of a commitment given in the Council’s “Principles of Partnership Working”. This year the partnerships were shown in a single report to allow members to take an overview of their activities. In some cases members may have been aware of current issues arising from a partnership as a result of recent reports about their activities to committees.


Decision of the Leader

Approved continuing to work with key external partnerships (LEP, City Deal, Cambridge Community Safety Partnership, Health and Wellbeing Board, Children’s Trust and RECAP) to ensure that public agencies and others can together address the strategic issues affecting Cambridge and that the concerns of Cambridge citizens are responded to.


Reason for the Decision

As set out in the Officer’s report.


Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

Not applicable.


Scrutiny Considerations

The Committee received a report from the Strategy Officer.


In response to Members’ questions the Leader said the following:

       i.          The Leader attended Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) meetings on behalf of the authority as an observer, but did not vote.

     ii.          In his view, the LEP had got better at bidding for Central Government funding in the last year. The government revealed in July 2014 that the LEP would be provided with £21.1 million as a part of its Growth Deal. The LEP does help the overall prosperity of Cambridgeshire.

   iii.          The Leader expected that LEPs would be reviewed by the new Government after the May 2015 General election.

   iv.          Councillor Roberts and supporting officers were responsible for activities regarding the Local Health Partnership during 2014/15. There were lots of meetings regarding this area, which required more integration of organisational agendas and more resources to deliver actions.

    v.          The City Deal had a two stage process: Assembly and Board. This provided an opportunity for transparency and engagement with wider representatives. Monthly meetings could be expected from autumn 2015 onwards. The partnership between three councils was important for the future of the City.


The Committee unanimously resolved to endorse the recommendations.


The Executive Councillor approved the recommendation.


Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted)

No conflicts of interest were declared by the Executive Councillor.