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Members Allowances Scheme

Meeting: 18/03/2015 - Civic Affairs (Item 20)

20 Members Allowances Scheme pdf icon PDF 54 KB


The Democratic Services Manager introduced the report.


Councillor Hart asked for clarification of when the area committee allowance was introduced and if it was related to the determination of planning applications.  The Democratic Services Manager undertook to provide the information to the committee.


The Committee considered that it was appropriate to review the allowances scheme in 2015/16, bearing in mind it had not changed since 2008/09 and noted that a review itself did not commit the Council to make any change to the scheme.




i.             To recommend Council that the existing Allowances scheme be continued for 2015/2016 municipal year.


ii.            To review the allowances scheme in 2015/16, noting that a report will be submitted to the June committee seeking approval for how this will be achieved.