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Review of Lighting on Open Spaces

Meeting: 05/03/2015 - West Central Area Committee (Item 83)

83 Review of Lighting on Open Spaces pdf icon PDF 80 KB

Report attached separately.




The Committee received a report from Alistair Wilson, Streets and Open Space Asset Manager.


The report explained that the project had been initiated to consider and respond to public concerns and opinions, relating to community safety and the lighting of key pedestrian and cycle routes across City Centre open spaces. A project group consisting of key stakeholders had met and proposed the following pedestrian and cycle routes for further consideration:


        Drift Way to Trumpington Road (Coe Fen) – Newnham/ Trumpington;

        Maids Causeway to Victoria Avenue and Cutter Ferry Bridge to Maids           Causeway (Midsummer  Common) – Market;

        Jesus Green lock to Lower Park Street (Jesus Green) – Market;

        Footpath from New Square to bus stop kiosk/toilets and rear   of Kings Street properties (Christ’s Pieces) – Market.


For lighting projects at Parker’s Piece and Lammas Land two different lighting treatments were used and these would be considered to be the options for new sites in future:


        To provide traditional overhead lighting columns on the park   to spread light on the central routes and on a radius          immediately surrounding each column.


        To define the key routes on the park but keep light pollution to a       minimum. Solar stud installations had proved very successful in     achieving this.


The Committee were advised that the report was intended for information only and no recommendations for approval were required at this stage.


Comments from the public:


Colin Rosenstiel: The lights on the footpath from New Square to bus stop kiosk/toilets and rear of King Street properties (Christ’s Pieces) in Market Ward have recently been upgraded so what changes could be wanted?


Councillor Cearns responded that this had been identified as an area of concern by the public as there were some areas which were not lit and perhaps additional lighting could be installed.


The Committee were reminded that the list had been put together in response to the petition and the sexual attacks on Christ’s Pieces. If any schemes went forward there would be full costing and consultation. A collective approach had been taken while recognising that ‘one size does not fit all’.


Dick Baxter: The City Council has long had a policy to leave Midsummer Common unlit in order to discourage movements across the area at night. The style of lighting should be taken into consideration and the policy consistent.

Some areas should be left dark. There are good environmental reasons to restrict lighting. The Wildlife Trust had surveyed the area and found that bats use the Common and its surroundings for foraging and potentially roosting.


Member of the public: Safety is an issue and should be a priority on Parker’s Piece and Midsummer Common.


John Lawton: Evidence-based justification for lights as well as public opinion was required. If lights were installed in one area the level of crime should be measured and compared before installation. The style of lights should be in keeping with their environment. If the lights are too bright the shadows are darker.


Anthony Carpen: Could glow in the dark pavements be considered which would assist the public to see where they are going? The issue of lighting should be looked at by the City as whole and look City wide to map the public concerns.


Member of the Public: There are a couple of glow in the dark pathways in Cambridge which do not work well. The light is very dull and fades over a period of time.


Member of the public: Flood lights in certain area of the City can cause problems as they are too bright, particularly for cyclists.


Comments from the Committee:


Councillor Reid: Would like the entire Coe Fen cycle way to be considered up to Fen Causeway.


Councillor Cantrill: Would like to see the remainder of the approach to Gough Road completed.


Councillor Holland: Could solar studs be installed in Histon Road Recreation