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Home > Council and Democracy > Issue
43 Local Government Ombudsman Maladministration Finding: Homelessness PDF 198 KB
Additional documents:
This item was
chaired by Councillor Todd-Jones.
Matter for Decision
The report
referred to the Local Government Ombudsman findings of maladministration
following a complaint. The complaint related to the Council’s homelessness
The Head of Legal
Services, as the Council’s Monitoring Officer, has an obligation to report the
findings to the Executive. The Executive is obliged to set out what action has
already been taken in respect of the findings, what action it intends to take
and the reasons for taking the action.
Decision of Executive Councillor for Housing
The Executive Councillor for Housing
resolved to:
Endorsed the actions taken by officers in response
to the finding of the Local Government Ombudsman.
Scrutiny Considerations
The Director for Customer and
Community Services advised the Committee of the procedures that had been taken
as a consequence of the complaint.
No questions or
comments were raised by the Committee.
The Committee:
unanimously to endorse the recommendation.
The Executive
Councillor approved the recommendation.
Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and
any Dispensations Granted)
No conflicts of
interest were declared by the Executive Councillor.