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Northern Corridor Area Transport Plan S106 Funding Update

Meeting: 18/12/2014 - North Area Committee (Item 82)

82 Northern Corridor Area Transport Plan S106 Funding Update pdf icon PDF 14 KB

7.45 to 8.30

Additional documents:


The Chair welcomed Sinead O’ Donoghue, Capital and Funding Manager, Cambridgeshire County Council, who gave a presentation on the Northern Corridor Area Transport Plan approved projects.


The presentation provided details of schemes that had been approved for funding under the s106 agreements produced by Cambridge City Council, South Cambridgeshire District Council and Cambridgeshire County Council, identifying new transport infrastructure needed to facilitate new development in the north of the City and adjoining parishes in South Cambridge. Any new transport capacity created would include pedestrians, cyclists and public transport.


A copy of the presentation can be viewed at the link below on the Cambridge City Website.




Julian Sykes, Urban Extensions Project Manager gave a brief introduction to the Cambridge Northern Fringes East Area Action Plan and the area that it related to and the proposed redevelopment options, currently at the consultation stage.


Senior Officers from Cambridge City Council and Cambridgeshire County and North Area Committee Councillors sat with members of the public to discuss and listen to consultation feedback on the Cambridge Northern Fringes East Area Action Plan, and noting related transport issues that arose following the presentation of the Northern Corridor Area Transport Plan approved projects.


The feedback covered a range of comments which can be viewed at the link below at the Cambridge City Council website.

