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Environmental Data Reports - NAC

Meeting: 30/10/2014 - North Area Committee (Item 74)

74 Environmental Data Reports pdf icon PDF 696 KB


Councillor Roberts, Executive Councillor for Environment, Waste and Public Health, introduced the item.


The committee received a report from the Public Realm Manager regarding environmental data.


The Committee were invited to suggest issues that they would like to see tackled in the neighbourhood area during the upcoming quarter to help shape the activity to be undertaken within the public realm.


Members welcomed the map. Concerns were raised regarding public awareness of the waste policy. People were unaware that bagged dog faeces could be disposed of in any bin.


Members made the following comments in response to the report:


     i.        Stated that the Environmental Team did a good job and that Cambridge had high standards of street cleansing.

    ii.        Suggested timing clean-ups of Bramblefields around planned use by pupils of the Shirley Primary School so that they could enjoy clean and safe outdoor space.


The following locations were proposed for additional bins.

   iii.        Councillor Manning: Halfway between the Coop & Sherbourne Close, Cheney Way area, next to benches on Haling Way, next to benches recently installed on Kinross Road (ie 2 bins), the end of Evergeeens,  Mariners Way underpass (after LHI bid is put in).

  iv.        Councillor Pitt: Recycling area in Campkin Road shops and Milton Road junction.

   v.        Councillor Manning Kinross Road and Mariners Way underpass.

  vi.        Councillor Price: Lawrence Way and St Kilda Ave (near new bench). Consult residents re location.

 vii.        Councillor O’Reilly: Roseford Road/Perse Way junction, Perse Way/Acton Way junction, Frenches Road and a Dog waste bin for Histon Road cemetery.

viii.        Councillor Sarris: Fen Road by river (bin plus dog waste bin), St Andrews Rec by bench (bin plus dog waste bin), Grumpy's      Green End Road (bin), Union Lane/Scotland Road junction (bin plus dog waste bin -dog waste bin priority) Sherbourne Close (bin plus dog waste bin), Cam Causeway and Franks Lane alley (bin), Echo Grove bus stop (bigger bin), Mermaid Takeaway ( bigger or additional bin). Kendal Way

  ix.        Councillor Tunnacliffe: near new Sainsbury’s once completed at Mitcham’s Corner.

   x.        Councillor Scutt: Bateson Road (College exit), Chesterton Road (De Freville bus stop and Old Spring bus stop), Chesterton Lane (near Carlyle Way), Milton Road (near shops at Arbury Road end and near shops at Elizabeth Way end), Victoria Avenue bridge.


Councillor Roberts suggested that Ward Councillors should discuss this further and agree a list by email.


Ward blitzes were discussed and some members felt that the wards due for the first clean-ups had been selected unfairly. Councillor Roberts stated that all areas would enjoy a clean-ups but that the process had to start somewhere. The new approach would spread resources across Cambridge rather than concentrating on the City Centre. The City Ranger suggested that East Chesterton Church would be willing to assist with area clean up. Encouraging the public to get involved was agreed to be a good idea.


Members of the public proposed the following locations for new bins:

  xi.        Campkin Road (dog waste bin).

 xii.        Hawkins Road green.

xiii.        Milton Road shops.

xiv.        Downhams Lane (cut through area on Woodhead Drive)

xv.        Milton Road (near to number 17)


Councillor Roberts stated that accurate maps would allow route optimisation and would increase the frequency and efficiency of public bin collections. Councillor Pitt disputed the assertions that in the past there were no accurate records for where public bins were located. 


The Officer’s recommendations were amended as follow, additional working underlined and in bold:


Recommendation One: Enforcement patrols to tackle fly-tipping in the alleyways and footpaths around Kings Hedges (Pulley) Recreation Ground and St Kilda’s Avenue.


Recommendation Four: Jet wash Milton Road / Green End Road / Cam Causeway  shops to remove grime and chewing gum from the shop fronts


Resolved (nem con):


To agree the following amended priorities, for the North Area for the quarter of October to December 2014: 


1.   Enforcement patrols to tackle fly-tipping in the alleyways and footpaths around Kings Hedges (Pulley) Recreation Ground and St Kilda’s Avenue.

2.   Enforcement joint working and patrols to deal with littering from students of Cambridge Regional College in the areas of Campkin Road and Nuns Way Recreation Ground

3.   Investigating the feasibility of litter/recycling and dog bins along Kings Hedges Road, as well as litter bins on Scotland Road and dog bins on Nicholson Way and Haviland Way.

4.   Jet wash Milton Road / Green End Road / Cam Causeway shops to remove grime and chewing gum from the shop fronts

5.   Cleanse of area of Scotland Road and Green End Road junction to remove litter and grime and to investigate the suitability of litter bins in the area.

6.   Early morning patrols for dog fouling on Kings Hedges (Pulley) Recreation Ground.


In addition, the Committee instructed Officer’s to investigate further action in the following areas:


·        Camplin Road _ Tesco area

·        Arbury Court – investigation of flytipping and littering issues

·        Shirley School / Brambesfield

·        Downhams Lane – investigation of litter issues.

·        Kingsway – investigation of flytipping.

·        Arbury Road / Milton Road Junction