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Home > Council and Democracy > Issue
76 Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014 PDF 45 KB
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The Committee received a report from the Safer Communities Section Manager.
A report on the introduction of the new Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and
Policing Act 2014 was taken to Strategy and Resources Committee on 29 September
2014. The Executive Councillor approved the recommendation at 2.1.4 in the
report to “take the report to Area Committees and request that they review if
any areas merit consideration for Public Space Protection Orders (PSPOs)”.
In response to Members’ questions the Safer Communities Section Manager and PS Misik
the following:
The Community Trigger gives communities an
opportunity to ask for a review of how their anti-social behaviour case has
been dealt with if they are not satisfied.
The threshold and procedure for making an application will be tested
over the next 6 months.
Evidence would be needed to support the three
complaint trigger point.
Police had been using the restorative justice
options available to them.
Factors taken into account when considering low
level events, would include aggravating factors and the level of distress
The new powers would be additions to the ‘tool bag’
of options open to the police.
Members suggested the following areas which might merit consideration
for Public Space Orders:
Councillor Sarris suggested, Maitlock
Avenue, Mortlock Avenue, Green End Road and Cam
Causeway where suggested and door to door begging had been an issue. The Safer
Communities Manager said that the Safer Communities Team and the Police were
aware these issues and were working to resolve them. Councillor Sales
suggested, Fisher Street as an area of low level ASB. PS Misik
would discuss this area with PS Wragg.
Councillor Price suggested the area around the
Tesco Express in Campkin Road and the MUGA in Nuns
Alexandra Gardens.
Leila Dockerill expressed concerns about young people causing a
nuisance on the walkways of flats. She suggested that the Police were not
interested and took little action.
Doug Whyte
requested a greater Police presence on the streets. He suggested that even in
the City Centre, on a Saturday night, there was a lack of a Police presence.
Councillor Manning stated that this was a matter for the Crime and
Police Commissioner.
Resolved (by 8 votes to 0
with 1 abstention).
i. The North Area Committee noted the new measures being
introduced to address anti-social behaviour, as detailed in the attached report
Officer’s; and
ii. Suggested that the following areas merit consideration
for Public Space Protection Orders.
Cam Causeway
Mortlock and Maitland Avenue
Campkin Road
Alexandra Gardens