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Cherry Hinton High Street S106 Project
Verbal information report by Mike Davies, Team Leader - Cycling Projects, Major Infrastructure Delivery, Cambridgeshire County Council
The Committee received a verbal report from the County Council’s Team
Leader - Cycling Projects.
The report outlined:
· The County Council
Cabinet agreed s106 projects in 2013.
· A public
consultation was undertaken on options in October 2013. A
good level of responses were received.
· The County Council
then bid for, and received, Department of Transport funding. This was time
limited, so Officers prioritised spending projects requiring Department of
Transport funding over s106 ones.
· Work was now being
undertaking on s106 projects and a consultation will be undertaken in March
· County and City
Council Officers were jointly working on projects of shared interest.
The Committee made the following comments in response to the report:
Projects such as traffic lights at the Robin Hood
junction had been delayed.
Residents and Councillors were extremely unhappy at
the delays to s106 projects.
In response to Members’ questions the Team Leader said the following:
i. He could not guarantee the consultation would go ahead in March 2015 as delays had occurred in the past when the County Council had bid for, and received, Department of Transport funding. Officers would do their best to undertake the consultation as expected.
ii. The consultation would focus on a number of options, not be a blank sheet like the previous one.
Undertook to share a detailed report on the 2013
consultation with SAC. Councillors had only seen the summary report.
The City 20 MPH project would complement county
s106 schemes ie there would be join
up not duplication of work.
The Department of Transport set deadlines for
spending its funding. This needed to be bid for, and spent, within time limits.
S106 transport corridor contributions were not time limited, so not given the
same priority for officer time.