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78 Mill Road Depot Site PDF 61 KB
The Committee received a report from the Head of Property Services and the Head of Planning Services regarding the Mill Road Depot Site.
A member of the public (Katie Preston) made the following comments in response to the report:
i. This site was central to the whole of Mill Road and the surrounding area and needed careful management.
ii. There was a lack of community provision in the area.
iii. Early engagement with the local community was required.
iv. Mill Road was a diverse and wide ranging community and any scheme would take time to develop and consult on.
v. Suggested the involvement of a social housing co-operative.
In response to public questions Councillor Roberts (Executive Councillor for Environment, Waste and Public Health) said the following:
i. Agreed that there was inadequate community provision in the area.
ii. Family housing of a co-operative nature would be preferable.
In response to public questions Councillor Owers (Executive Councillor for Finance and Resources) said the following:
i. The Council had already met with a social housing co-operative and discussions were ongoing.
ii. Any agreed scheme would need to balance the need for additional mixed housing and community facilities with financial viability for the Council.
iii. At this stage it was too early to consult with the public.
Councillor Smart highlighted the need a balanced overall scheme for the site, and not a piece meal development. It also provided an ideal opportunity to complete the Chisholm Trail cycle route.
The Head of Planning Services confirmed that the final Development Brief for the site would include full consultation and public engagement.
The Chair confirmed that the site formed part of the City Council’s Local Plan proposals and had received cross party support.
Resolved (nem con):
i. To note the content of the report. No decisions were required at this time.