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66 S106 Devolved Decision-Making: Taking Stock and Moving Forward PDF 42 KB
Approx 9.35pm
The committee received a report from the Urban Growth Project Manager regarding S106 devolved decision-making.
In response to public questions the public the Urban Growth Project Manager said the following:
i. The project proposals listed in Appendix E of the officers report had been suggested by members of the public during the 2nd S106 priority setting round in 2013, but not prioritised by the Area Committee. The inclusion of these proposals in Appendix E should not be taken as confirming their eligibility for S106 funding or implying officer views about their suitability or feasibility.
ii. Officers advised on the eligibility of project proposals for S106 funding in order to ensure that developer contributions are used for their intended purposes.
iii. The bidding round for S106 grant-funding (primarily for new/improved sports or community facilities) would begin in early November 2014 and last for a month. Further details would be available on the council’s Developer Contributions web page ( in due course.
In response to questions regarding Rouse Ball Pavilion the Executive Councillor for City Centre and Public Places said the following:
i. The redevelopment of the Rouse Ball Pavilion was a great idea.
ii. The scheme was currently on the ‘on hold’ list of the council’s Capital Plan. The overall project had been estimated to cost in the region of £700k-£800k and options were being explored to secure the necessary external funding.
iii. Further discussions would take place with interested parties, such as Ward Councillors and Resident’s Associations.
The Committee:
Resolved (nem con):
To note the arrangements for the third and fourth
priority-setting rounds in 2014/15 and 2015/16.
To note the progress being made on S106-funded
projects prioritised by the West/Central Area Committee in 2012/13 and 2013/14.