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56 Outcomes of the Consultation on a New Management Plan for Coldham's Common PDF 79 KB
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A consultation on creating a management plan for Coldham's Common was completed between August & September 2014. The consultation built on a previous independent consultation undertaken in Spring 2014. The initial consultation was used to gauge the views of all stakeholders and users of the Common and to shape the current issues and options consultation.
The Executive Councillor was asked to instruct officers to draft a Management Plan for Coldham’s Common in discussion with key stakeholder groups.
of Executive Councillor for City Centre and Public Places
Executive Councillor resolved:
To note
the outcomes of the recent consultation reports; and
officers to draft a Management Plan for Coldham’s
Common, which will return to Community Services Scrutiny Committee, along with
analysis of the responses to the consultation, in discussion with key
stakeholder groups.
Reason for the Decision
As set out in the Officer’s report.
Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
Not applicable.
The Committee received a report from the Asset Manager regarding the
outcomes of the consultation on the Management Plan for Coldham’s
In response to Members’ questions the Asset Manager stated that the
initial consultation had received a higher response rate than the second.
However, this was because the initial consultation was quantitative. This had
generated the options presented in the second consultation. Future
recommendations would draw on both sets of comments.
Councillor Reid proposed the following amendment to recomentation B, additional wording underlined and in
b) Instruct officers to
draft a Management Plan for Coldham’s Common, which will return to Community Services
Scrutiny Committee, along with analysis of the responses to the consultation,
in discussion with key stakeholder groups.
The Executive Councillor for City Centre and Public Places stated that the intention
had always been to bring this back to Committee and that she was happy for this
to be included in the recommendation. She agreed that the Common had a diverse
range of stakeholders whose views would be taken into account in the Council
led Management Plan.
The Committee resolved unanimously to endorse the amended
The Executive Councillor approved the recommendations.