Council and democracy
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Mr Taylor addressed the committee and made the following points:
i. Welcomed the recent changes to the law regarding recording Council meetings and encouraged the committee to support the proposed changes to the Constitution.
ii. Expressed disappointment that the new legislation and the guidance regarding provision for those not wanting to be filmed did not align with one another. Suggested that local authorities lobby the Government in order to address this.
iii. Highlighted Cambridgeshire County Council’s more open and welcoming approach to members of the public wishing to film and report on meetings. Suggested that the City Council’s approach could be improved.
The committee received a report from Head of Legal Services regarding constitutional changes to comply with legislation on recording officer decisions and recording meetings.
Councillor Cantrill welcomed the report and supported Mr Taylor’s comments. It was important that the Council was as open and transparent as possible and it was suggested that in-house webcasted should be investigated further.
Resolved (unanimously) to:
Recommend Council
to adopt the revised ‘Part 4B- Access to Information Rules’ set out in the
appendix of the officer’s report.
Authorise the
Monitoring Officer to make consequential changes to other parts of the
Constitution that refer to recording meetings and public speaking rights.