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54 Review of Outdoor and Other Entertainment Events PDF 101 KB
Matter for
The report examined the profile and costs of the Council’s outdoor events programme and considered opportunities for refreshing this and making efficiencies within the context of the Cultural Trust. The Executive Councillor for Communities, Arts & Recreation has clarified that the Cambridge Folk Festival is outside the scope of this review.
of Executive Councillor for Community, Arts and Recreation
Executive Councillor resolved:
to continue the general profile of the programme of events as now;
that the programme should consider ways to offer more support via
expertise to neighbourhood events;
to carry these recommendations forward into the new cultural trust model
if approved by the Leader of the Council and Executive Councillor for Strategy and Transformation, Councillor Lewis Herbert,
at the meeting of Strategy and Resources Committee on 20th October
and if approved:
to establish the process outlined in point 3.14 to
enable Council input and influence to the event programme.
acknowledge that:
Along with other
external organisations, the Trust may bring forward new ideas for events for
the Council to consider;
The Council may
request support from the Trust for additional events such as major sports
The Council can
consider additional activity and investment into the events programme in
discussion with the Trust;
to agree a saving
of 21% will be made against current net costs by year 5 through potential for
greater operating efficiency and increased fund-raising in the Trust model; and
to note that the arrangements for monitoring the
trust and the outdoor events in point 3.15 of the Officer’s report.
Reason for the Decision
As set out in the Officer’s report.
Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
Not applicable.
The Committee received a report from the Head of Arts and Recreation.
The Committee made the following comments in response to the report:
Expressed concerns that this matter crosses over to
other portfolios as it covers open spaces and increased internal dialogue would
be needed.
Discussed regrets over the cancellation of the
planned triathlon due to poor water quality.
Expressed concerns that the report was silent on
new outdoor spaces on fringe sites and suggested that these need to be seen as
part of City destinations.
Discussed the role of the Community Services
Scrutiny Committee once a Trust was established and hoped that an annual report
would be available for scrutiny.
In response to Members’ questions the Asset Manager stated the
The role of Street and Open Spaces team would alter
slightly as the Trust evolved as they would be dealing with an external
organisation and not part of the Council
Once fringe sites were completed, there would be
scope to increase events and the new communities would be encouraged to engage
in those events.
In response to Members’ questions the Head of Arts and Recreation stated the following:
Initial agreements with the Trust would include performance indicators
and performance against those indicators would be reported back to both
Community Services Scrutiny and Strategy and Resources Committees via briefing
The new delivery vehicle was being called a ‘trust’ although it does not
yet have ‘trust’ status.
Councillor Reid
proposed the following amendment to the recommendations, to insert a new
recommendation 2.3 as follows, and with subsequent recommendations re-number
2.3 To
bring forward a mission statement (to Strategy and Resources Committee) which expresses the value and importance of the events program both
on a City Wide and at a local level.
Councillor Johnson
stated that paragraph 3.5 of the Officer’s report fully covered this matter and
was, in essence, a mission statement. He further confirmed that the Articles of
Association, as detailed in the report to Strategy and Resources Committee,
fully covered governance and object clauses. Councillor Reid withdrew her amendment.
Councillor Reid proposed, and Councillor
Reiner seconded, an alternative amendment to recommendation, as follow, to
insert a new recommendation 2.4 (B) as follows, and with subsequent
recommendations re-number accordingly:
2.4(b) To ensure that the purpose and value for the
Council’s outdoor events programme is suitably expressed in the trust documents
and contracts.
Councillor Sinnott and Sarris stated that was
difficult to properly consider changes to recommendations tabled at short
The amendment was lost by 5 votes to 3.
Councillor Reid expressed concerns that the
Committee might not receive independent reports regarding the performance of
the Trust.
The Committee resolved by 5 votes to 0 to endorse the recommendations.
The Executive Councillor approved the recommendations.