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37 Elections May 2014 (Review) and Update on Individual Electoral Registration PDF 86 KB
The committee received a report from the Chief Executive regarding Elections May 2014 (Review) and an update on Individual Electoral Registration (IER).
In response to members’ questions the Chief Executive said the following:
i. Whilst the election count can be time consuming, logistically it was a very complicated process. The size of the room, the number of counters available and the potential for Election Agents to call for a recount added to the complexities. Members of the Election Staff had worked at other Local Authorities and the difficulties faced by Cambridge City Council were not unique.
ii. Presiding Officers were instructed not to provide turn out figures to Election Agents. Legislation did not require this information to be shared with Agents and it was therefore the decision of individual Returning Officers.
iii. Election Agents had expressed their thanks to the City Council Elections Team.
iv. An additional member of staff had been added to the Elections Team in 2012/13 in anticipation of the increased work required for IER. Additional funding was also being made available from the Government in order to manage the transition period. Cambridge City Council was hoping to use this to fund dedicated paid staff to manage the canvas.
v. The Elections Team were working closely with Universities and Colleges in preparation for IER.
vi. The City Council’s Access Officer tested all Polling Stations to ensure they were fit for purpose.
vii. Finding suitable Polling Stations in Newnham had been challenging and additional suggestions from local Councillors were welcome.
viii. Legislation required that Tellers not be able to see into the Polling Stations. It was therefore unfortunate that on occasion this meant that they had to sit outside some of the venues.
ix. Training was provided for Presiding Officers and Poll Clerks prior to every election.
Resolved (unanimously) to:
i. Notes the issues raised in the report.