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Planning Application for Milton House, Christs Pieces

Meeting: 24/06/2014 - West Central Area Committee (Item 37)

37 14/0414/FUL: Milton House, Christ's Pieces, Cambridge pdf icon PDF 49 KB

Additional documents:


The Committee received a report for retrospective planning permission.


The application sought planning permission for retrospective development consisting of the installation of three sections of timber fence.


The Principal Planning Officer informed the Committee that a letter of complaint had been received from the applicant about the notice period that had been given to advise of the meeting. The applicant was unable to attend due to a pre-arranged appointment and was unable to rearrange due to the short notice given.


The Committee were advised that the invitation had been sent to the applicant on 17 June 2014 which was the standard seven day time frame for all applicants.


Councillor Radcliffe withdrew from this item and did not vote as he had not undertaken any planning training.


The Committee:


Resolved (unanimously) to part approve and part refuse retrospective planning permission in accordance with the Officer recommendation, for reasons set out in the Officer report.