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48 Budget Amendment PDF 517 KB
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Matter for Decision: Budget amendment
proposed by The Executive.
Decision of the Executive Councillor for Finance and Resources
The Executive Councillor resolved:
To recommend to Council budget changes as outlined
in the following:
General Fund Revenue Budgets:
Approve the following revenue budget changes:
for items funded from General Fund Reserves, as
shown in Appendix A of the officer’s report.
for items funded from External or Earmarked
Funds, as shown in Appendix B of the officer’s report.
Capital & Revenue Projects Plan:
Approve the capital amendment, as shown in Appendix C of the officer’s
Approve changes as
· Amend the ‘Keep Cambridge Moving Fund’.
The Budget-Setting
Report approved by Council in February 2014 included a contribution to this
fund of £1,063.9k. It was now proposed to reduce this to £263.9k in order to
fund the new Earmarked Reserves outlined below. The updated Earmarked and
Specific Funds were shown in Appendix D of the officer’s report.
an earmarked reserve of £500,000 for ‘Sharing Prosperity Fund’, with the remit:
Prosperity Fund Formal Remit:
provide resources to fund fixed-term and one-off projects and proposals (which can
be made through the budget process by members or officers, subject to
consideration by the relevant scrutiny committee and the Anti- Poverty Strategy
Project Board) that support the interim objectives of the council’s
Anti-Poverty Strategy, namely:
Helping people on low incomes to maximise their income and minimise their costs
Making the move into work easier
Helping low income families with the cost of raising a child
Breaking the link between poor health and poverty
Ensuring that vulnerable older people get the services that they need and
reducing the social isolation they can experience
Helping people with high housing costs and improving the condition of people’s
Working in partnership to tackle wider barriers to employment and engagement
(e.g. transport, learning and skills)
Establishing an earmarked reserve of £300,000 for ‘Fixed-Term Priority Project Fund’, with the remit:
Priority Project Fund Formal Remit:
To use non-ongoing, potentially short-term or uncertain
sources of income, most obviously New Homes Bonus, for fixed-term costs.
creation of this fund would allow such sources of income to be used for
priority projects without building in unsustainable ongoing revenue
Earmarked Reserves
‘Sharing Prosperity Fund’ (SPF)
It was recommended
that £500,000 of the balance of unapplied New Homes Bonus Funding for 2014/15
(currently in “Keep Cambridge Moving” Earmarked Fund) be used to create a ‘Sharing
Prosperity Fund’. It would provide resources to fund fixed term and one-off
projects and proposals (which can be made through the budget process by members
or officers, subject to consideration by the relevant scrutiny committee and
the Anti-Poverty Strategy Project Board) that support the objectives of the
council’s Anti-Poverty Strategy,
Priority Project Fund’ (FTPPF)
Currently the
Priority Policy Fund (PPF) could be used to fund ongoing revenue costs as well
as fixed-term or one-off projects. It was recommended that in future years it
be used solely to fund ongoing revenue costs, not fixed-term or one-off
It was recommended
that a new fund, similar to the PPF but only available for funding non-ongoing,
fixed-term projects, be set up, called the Fixed-Term Priority Project Fund
(FTPPF). This could then harness non-ongoing, potentially short-term or
uncertain sources of income, most obviously NHB. The creation of this fund
would allow such sources of income to be used for priority projects without
building in unsustainable ongoing revenue commitments. It was recommended that
£300,000 of the balance of unapplied New Homes Bonus Funding for 2014/15
(currently in “Keep Cambridge Moving” Earmarked Fund) be used to create this fund.
The Executive
proposed the change identified in Appendix C of the officer’s report, namely to
delete the 'Capital contribution to the 'Keep Cambridge Moving Fund' of
£111,140 and delete from Capital Plan SC593.
Reasons for the
Decision: As set out in the officer’s report
Any alternative
options considered and rejected: As set out in the officer’s report
The committee received a report from the Executive Councillor for Finance and Resources.
In response to member’s questions the Executive Councillor for Finance and Resources said the following:
The new
‘Fixed-Term Priority Project Fund’ (FTPPF) would be available for funding
non-ongoing and fixed-term projects, and would not result in a reduction in
The Cambridgeshire Collective Switching Scheme
would only be successful if promoted effectively. The proposed funding would
therefore be used for this purpose.
The Training, Seminar and Conference budget had
been historically underspent, and these funds would now be redistributed
according to need. A report on the reasons behind this historic underspend
would be brought to a future Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Committee.
Through informal discussions the Unions had
expressed no concerns regarding cuts to the Training, Seminar and Conference
budget. Discussion would take place with
the Head of Human Resources (HR) about the report also being considered at
the Joint Staff Employer Forum (JSEF).
Only a very small number of public toilets in the
City would be affected by the change to the pricing structure. This additional
income would not be used to fund the Anti-Poverty Strategy as incorrectly
report by the Cambridge News, and alterations to the toilets would be funded from
existing R&R budgets.
Councillor Catherine
Smart proposed the Liberal Democrat 2014/15 Budget amendment.
Full details of the
Liberal Democrat 2014/15 Budget amendment available via:
In response to member’s questions Councillor Catherine Smart
and Councillor Cantrill said the following:
funding for the Living Wage Week would enable a link to the national
seasonal part-time Park Rangers would provide guardianship to the most
frequented public spaces in the City. The exact detail of their role would need
to be discussed further with officers.
On a show of hands
the amendment was lost by 3 votes to 5.
The Scrutiny Committee considered the recommendations and endorsed them by 5 votes to 3.
The Executive Councillor approved the recommendations.
Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor
(and any Dispensations Granted):
Not applicable.