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54 Anti-Poverty Strategy PDF 122 KB
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Matter for Decision: The City Council plans
to develop an Anti-Poverty Strategy with the aim of improving the standard of
living and daily lives of those residents in Cambridge who were currently experiencing
poverty, but also to alleviate issues that could lead households to experience
financial pressures. The aim of the Strategy was to bring greater focus and
coordination to the Council’s existing efforts to address poverty, while
identifying areas where the Council could have even greater impact. The report
set out the broad approach for the development of the Strategy and proposed
draft objectives for public consultation.
Decision of the Executive Councillor for
Finance and Resources
The Executive Councillor resolved:
To approve
the draft objectives for the Anti-Poverty Strategy, as set out at 4.10 of the
officer’s report.
approve use of the draft objectives for the Anti-Poverty Strategy, set out at
4.10 of the officer’s report, as the interim objectives for the Sharing
Prosperity Fund until the final Strategy was completed.
approve the proposed approach and timescales for developing the Anti-Poverty
Strategy, as set out at 4.11 of the officer’s report.
Reasons for the
Decision: As set out in the officer’s report
Any alternative
options considered and rejected: As set out in the officer’s report
The committee received a report from the Strategy and Partnerships Manager.
In response to member’s questions the Strategy and Partnerships Manager said the following:
i. Much work was already being undertaken with residents on low incomes and further targeted initiatives had been identified in the budget amendment.
ii. Partnership working would be required to fully address poverty issues across the City.
At the request of Councillor Cantrill the recommendations were voted on separately.
The Scrutiny Committee considered the recommendations and endorsed them by:
Unanimously: To approve the draft objectives for the Anti-Poverty Strategy, as set out
at 4.10 of the officer’s report.
By 5
votes to 0: To approve use of the draft objectives for the Anti-Poverty
Strategy, set out at 4.10 of the officer’s report, as the interim objectives
for the Sharing Prosperity Fund until the final Strategy was completed.
To approve the proposed approach and timescales for developing the Anti-Poverty
Strategy, as set out at 4.11 of the officer’s report.
The Executive Councillor approved the recommendations.
Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any
Dispensations Granted):
Not applicable.