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Local Government Pension Scheme - Employers Discretions

Meeting: 25/06/2014 - Civic Affairs (Item 36)

36 Local Government Pension Scheme - Employers Discretions pdf icon PDF 76 KB

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The committee received a report from the Support Services Manager regarding the Local Government Pension Scheme - Employers Discretions.


In response to members’ questions the Support Services Manager said the following:


       i.          Whilst there were some very minor changes to the scheme, this did not affect the discretions available.


Resolved (unanimously):


     ii.          To approve the proposed policy statement on employer discretions (Appendix A of the officer’s report).


   iii.          To authorise the Head of Human Resources and Director of Business Transformation to determine decisions relating to the merits of individual cases.


   iv.          That Council officers would continue to review the statement every 3 years and / or in line with changes to the Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) as advised by the Local Government Pensions Committee (LGPC) and the Administering Authority (Cambridgeshire County Council), and any recommended changes will go before Civic Affairs for approval.