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Resident Involvement Update

Meeting: 01/07/2014 - Housing Scrutiny Committee (Item 10)

10 Resident Involvement Update pdf icon PDF 48 KB

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Matter for Decision


To consider the annual Resident involvement report which had focussed on the following:


·        Volunteer recruitment

·        Digital inclusion

·        Complaints resolution

·        HSC Tenant and Leaseholder representatives allowances


The Chair reminded those present that all Tenant and Leaseholder Representatives had declared a prejudicial interest in item 2.2 of the Officer’s report, regarding the allowances and would leave the room.


Decision of Executive Councillor for Housing


The Executive Councillor for Housing resolved to:


i.             Approve the on-going focus of resident involvement on volunteer recruitment, digital inclusion and complaints resolution.

ii.             Approve the increase of the HSC Tenant & Leaseholder representative allowances.


Reason for the Decision

As set out in the Officer’s report.


Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

Not applicable.


Scrutiny Considerations

The Committee received a report from the Resident Involvement Facilitator.


The Committee made the following comments in response to the report:


     i.        Thanked the Resident Involvement Facilitator for their hard work on the report.

    ii.        Recognised the importance of digital inclusion for all residents and the importance of training to allow residents to have the ability to get on-line.

   iii.        Suggested Cambridge Central Library should be included in the campaign, particularly in the training of users.

  iv.        Encouraged Officers to contact the Library to discuss the issue of digital inclusion further.

   v.        Noted the monthly payment for a fixed internet connection would be considered a high charge by some residents.

  vi.        Queried who the scheme was aimed at and if it was possible to opt out before the contract ended.

 vii.        Questioned if it was possible for residents to have their own wireless broadband connection in sheltered accommodation.

viii.        Asked how the Housing Regulation Panel would work with the new Housing Scrutiny Committee.

  ix.        Questioned how the allowances for Tenant and Leaseholder representatives were benchmarked

   x.        Asked if there was a list of Community Internet Access points across the City which people can use.


In response to Members’ questions the Executive Councillor for Housing and Officers confirmed the following:


     i.        It was possible for individual residents living in sheltered schemes to have their own broadband installed.

    ii.        Aimed to increase the shared broadband in the sheltered accommodation.

   iii.        Acknowledged the monthly charge to get on line would be costly to some residents. But Officers had looked at the best deals available while working with local charities had reduced the cost.

  iv.        Interesting to note that none of the telecommunications offered a reasonable price package.

   v.        The Housing Regulation Panel would continue to work within the service wide remit and envisaged that there would be no change.

  vi.        Aim to develop the Complaint Panels to the same standards working practices and standards as the Housing Regulation Panel.

 vii.        A list of Community Internet Access points was available but recommended that publication was delayed as wider City initiative was being worked on.

viii.        It is difficult to benchmark the allowances due to the lack of comparison with Local Authorities.


The Committee:


Resolved unanimously to approve the recommendations in 2.1 of the Officer’s report.


Resolved unanimously to approve the recommendations in 2.2 of the Officer’s report.


The Executive Councillor approved both the recommendations.


Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted)


No conflicts of interest were declared by the Executive Councillor.