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63 Keep Cambridge Moving Fund PDF 73 KB
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Public Question
A member of the public asked a question as set out below.
Mr Lucas-Smith raised
the following points:
A14 is dangerous and unsuitable for cycling. He asked for a parallel
non-motorised route.
Prime Minister committed funding to cycle-proofing roads.
to the Highways Agency letter and said there were no details about
non-motorised users. Asked if the City Council could request this be a
condition of Department of Transport funding.
support a fund for work.
The County Council Director of Strategy and Development responded that a
parallel non-motorised route was part of the scheme. The County Council
informed the Highways Agency the scheme should include greater clarity on this.
There was an intention to provide a path, its use was to be confirmed.
Matter for
The City Council is in discussion with the Highways Agency about the
impact of proposed improvements to the A14 on traffic flows, noise, air quality
and vibration within Cambridge. When
this information has been received, and analysed, options would be prepared to
mitigate the impact of the scheme on residents within the city. In the meantime
it was recommended to agree the principle of an investment by the City Council
of £1.5 million over 25 years to mitigate these impacts.
of Executive Councillor for Planning Policy and Transport
Agreed the principle of an
investment within the next 25 years by Cambridge City Council of £1.5 million
into measures that mitigate the impact of trunk road improvements on the A14 in
accordance with the approach set out in the Officer’s report and that the Head
of Finance was requested to consider the financial implications of this
commitment in the forthcoming Budget Setting Report of the City Council.
Reason for the Decision
As set out in the Officer’s report.
Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
Not applicable.
The Committee received a report from the Director of Environment.
In response to Members’ questions the Director of Environment said the following:
i. If recommendations were agreed in principle by Environment Scrutiny Committee and the Executive Councillor, a Budget Setting Report could then be put to Full Council.
ii. Funding could be invested in and outside the city boundaries if it benefitted the city. For example, Park&Ride services.
The Committee unanimously resolved to endorse the recommendation.
The Executive Councillor
approved the recommendation.
Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any
Dispensations Granted)
No conflicts of interest
were declared by the Executive Councillor.