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Fees for Home Boarding of Pet Animals

Meeting: 21/07/2014 - Licensing Committee (Item 14)

14 Fees for Home Boarding of Pet Animals pdf icon PDF 109 KB


The Committee received a report from the Team Leader (Environmental Protection) regarding the fees for home boarding of pet animals. 


In response to members’ questions the Licensing and Enforcement Manager said the following:


       i.          The proposed £80 fee would cover the cost of administration of the licences and the inspection of premises. Officers had fully costed the work involved and whilst this fee would cover costs to the Council it was not designed to make a profit.   

     ii.          Veterinary inspections would not be undertaken as a routine, and where required were fully rechargeable.

   iii.          A licence would only be required for home boarding when it was a business. A licence would not be required to look after a pet on behalf of friends or family and where no fee was being charged. 

   iv.          The number of animals boarded at any time must not exceed four, including dogs/cats owned by the licence holder. This number was based on good practice from other local authorities.

    v.          There was one existing licensee in the City that would be affected by this change in policy.


The Committee:


Resolved (unanimously) to:


       i.          Introduce the less onerous regime proposed including a reduced fee of £80 for home boarding of animals, where licensees met the home boarding criteria


     ii.          Agree the following criteria for home boarding;


-        Boarding must take place in residential premises e.g. a family home

-        The number of animals boarded at any time shall not exceed four, including dogs/cats owned by the licence holder

-        Cats and dogs may not be boarded at the same time unless there is clear separation