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31 Annual Review of Prevention of Fraud and Corruption Policy PDF 341 KB
The committee received a report from the Principal Auditor regarding the Annual Review of Prevention of Fraud and Corruption Policy.
In response to members’ questions the Principal Auditor and the Fraud Prevention Team Leader said the following:
i. Corruption would generally be raised through the Whistle Blowing Policy.
ii. No corruption had been identified during 2013/14.
iii. Weaknesses in business processes were identified and addressed in order to minimise the risk of fraud and corruption.
iv. Increased resources, in the form of an additional member of staff funded until July 2015, had resulted in a higher value of fraud being identified.
v. It was not felt that fraud had increased during 2013/14 – simply that increased resources had enabled more issues to be identified.
vi. A Data Sharing Protocol was in place and information regarding fraud and corruption was shared between many different agencies including the Police.
vii. The National Fraud Initiative would continue but not under the control of the Audit Commission.
viii. 10 cases of social housing fraud had been identified in 2013/14. However it was likely that more cases existed.
ix. The Prevention of Fraud and Corruption Policy would be reviewed before April 2015 and brought back to the Civic Affairs Committee.
Resolved to:
Note the details
of fraud/whistle-blowing activity provided for the period 1 April 2013 – 31
March 2014 in section 3 of the officer’s report and the outcomes from the
2012-13 National Fraud Initiative (NFI) in Section 5 of the officer’s report.