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Planning Report - 14 Victoria Street 14/0342/FUL

Meeting: 24/04/2014 - West Central Area Committee (Item 25)

25 Planning Report - 14 Victoria Street 14/0342/FUL pdf icon PDF 73 KB

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Councillor Hipkin was not present for the start of this item and therefore took no part in the discussion or the vote.


The Committee received an application for full planning permission.


The application sought approval for a rear two storey extension and part single storey extension to accommodate a platform lift for wheelchair use and small conservatory on the ground floor.


The Committee noted the amendment sheet. All members voting on this application confirmed that they had attended a site visit.


The Committee received representations in objection to the application from Barbara Cleverly and on behalf of Heather Whitaker.


Barbara Cleverly’s representation covered the following points:


     i.        Planned extension did not meet the planning guidance three challenges.

    ii.        Was out of character with the area.

   iii.        Would cause a loss of green space.

  iv.        Would damage a building of local interest.

   v.        Would increase overlooking.

  vi.        Large expanse of glass would have an adverse impact on neighbours.


Statement read on behalf of Heather Whitaker covered the following points.


     i.        Impact on home as the proposed extension would not allow current use to continue.

    ii.        Construction will emit light.

   iii.        Glass would dazzle on a sunny day. 

  iv.        Lifts make noise

   v.        Consistency with previous decisions

   vi.        The proposed extension to 14 Victoria Street was for one of glass which was not in keeping with other buildings.

  vii.        The relationship between buildings.  If approved this application creates a very different relationship to the surrounding buildings.


Christopher Knowles (applicant) spoke in support of the application.   

The Committee:


Resolved (by 4 votes to 3) to grant full planning permission in accordance with Officer recommendation, for the reasons set out in the Officer report and subject to the conditions recommended by the Officer.