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59 Environmental Improvement Programme - NAC PDF 36 KB
Additional documents:
The committee received a report from the Project Delivery
and Environment Manager.
An updated covering report, updated Appendix A, additional
scheme N28 (Vie Estate parking management) and updated Appendix E were tabled.
These documents can be accessed via:
It was also noted that the school warning sign project had
been omitted from Appendix E. With this correction the remaining sub-total
should read £965.
In response to member’s questions the Project
Delivery and Environment Manager said the following:
In response to complaints from the public the
contractors responsible for the hanging baskets along Chesterton High Street
would be asked to be mindful of causing a noise disturbance early in the
It was more cost effective to advertise the
Traffic Regulation Orders (TRO) together where possible.
A lengthy statutory legal process was required
when progressing TRO’s. This could only be undertaken
by County Council officers, and not City Council officers.
Scheme N1 (Fen Road adjacent to
former Penny Ferry PH and Haylingway) would
not form part of the new station area improvements.
The average cost of a single dropped kerb would
be £2500-£3000 but this would be dependent on the site.
Tackling dropped kerbs across the whole of the
North area would be a resource intensive task. It was suggested that
consultation be undertaken with Ward Councillors and disability groups to
identify the highest priority areas.
The issue with the flooding outside shops was
being addressed through the County Council’s S106 process. Consultation would
be undertaken in due course but the issue would be raised further with the City
Council’s property team.
Officers had visited Chesterton High Street to
assess the proposed pavements and kerb improvements (Scheme N26 - Chesterton High Street). The main problem was the level of the
carriage way, not the level of the footway. The proposed £15,000 may not be
sufficient and therefore, as it was a highways issue, the County Council may be
asked for additional funds.
Mr Skeffington and Mr Romsopoulos spoke
in support of Scheme N7 (Chesterton Road near
Elizabeth Way).
spoke in support of their preferred schemes as listed in the officer’s amended
The committee:
Resolved (unanimously) to
Note the progress of existing schemes listed in
Appendix C of the officer’s report.
Allocate funding of £5,954 for the annual provision
and maintenance of 36 hanging baskets along Chesterton High Street.
Resolved to:
Allocate the following match funding to the schemes
that have secured a contribution from Cambridgeshire County Council’s Local
Highway Improvement Programme:
N1 Fen Road
adjacent to former Penny Ferry PH and Haylingway:
Agreed by 7 vote to 0 - £1000 as requested
N3 Brimley
Road verge reinforcement: Agreed unanimously - reduced amount of £1000
Chesterton Road near Elizabeth Way: Agreed unanimously - £1000 as
Mariners Way: Agreed unanimously - £1000 as requested
N13 Carlton
Way verge reinforcement: Agreed unanimously - £5000 as requested
N28 Vie
Estate parking management: Agreed unanimously - £500 as requested
Resolved to:
Allocate to the following projects as listed in the
amended Appendix A of the officer’s report:
N2 Campkin Road hanging baskets: Agreed (unanimously) -
£2500 as requested
N5 Sherbourne Close tree: Agreed (unanimously) - £3000
as requested
N11 High
Street by Haymakers Pub: Agreed (by 8 votes to 0) - £1000 as requested
Ashfield Court replanting: Agreed (unanimously) - £5000 as requested
N21 Green
End Road Rec park entrance: Agreed (unanimously) - £5000 as requested
N22 Church
Street/High Street junction: Agreed (unanimously) - £5000 as requested
N24 St.
Giles War Memorial: Agreed (unanimously) - £2000 as requested
N27 BrownsField and Bramblefield
nature reserve - new benches: Agreed (unanimously) - £2500 as requested
Resolved (unanimously) to:
Defer a decision on the following projects as
listed in the amended Appendix A of the officer’s report:
N4 Halingway Droveway resurfacing
N6 Fallowfield Green
N8 Frank's
Lane railings
N9 Halingway green
N16 Fallowfield to
Frank's lane cut-through
N17 Fallowfields
N20 Cam
Causeway greening
Chesterton High Street
Resolved (unanimously) to:
Incorporate N14 (Kinross Road dropped kerb), N15 (Sherbourne Close dropped kerb and path improvements) and
N23 (Ferrars Way dropped kerbs) as part of the
strategic N25 (North area ward dropped
crossing improvements) dropped crossing improvements scheme (total
allocation of £25,000)
Resolved (by 8 votes 0)
Remove N10
(High Street to Scotland Road cut-through) from the list.
Remove N19 (Junction
of Milton Road/Green End Road) from the list.
Approve the delivery of the minor traffic regulation
orders listed in the amended Appendix E, at an estimated cost of £3,350, funded
by the remainder of the North Area Committee 2011/12 joint minor highway works
Approve the projects for implementation, subject to
positive consultation where required and final approval by Ward Councillors.
Resolved (by 8 votes to 0)
Allocate the remaining £15,777 to the strategic N25
(North area ward dropped crossing
improvements) dropped crossing improvements scheme.