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Policing & Safer Neighbourhoods - EAC

Meeting: 08/01/2015 - East Area Committee (Item 6)

6 Policing & Safer Neighbourhoods pdf icon PDF 274 KB

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The Committee received a report from PS Chris Norden regarding the Policing and Safer Neighbourhoods trends.


The report outlined actions taken since the Committee of 11th September 2014. The current emerging issues/neighbourhood trends for each ward were also highlighted (see report for full details).


PS Norden responded to questions as detailed below:


1.   Have the dangerous ecstasy tablets, highlighted in the press, been found in Cambridge?


Not to PS Norden’s knowledge.


2.   Members suggested adding Tennison Road and Coldham’s Lane to recommendation three.


This would be taken away and highlighted to Officers as areas of concern within recommendation three. However, the recommendation did not need to highlight this.


3.   Councillor Kavanagh: There has been an increase in dwelling burglaries. Is there a pattern emerging?


Individual streets can be targeted with three or four incidents taking place on the same day. In addition, there is an increasing trend towards burglars travelling to other areas to commit offences.


4.   Councillor Robertson: What can be done to tackle foolish behaviour by cyclists? For example: ignoring red lights and cycling on pavements.


PCSOs are now authorised to ticket cyclists. The recent cycle lights initiative had been successful.


The North Area Committee had agreed a priority action of anti-social cycling in the past. Outcomes were unknown.


Councillor Roberts suggested that parents often encouraged their children to cycle on the pavement and that this should be addressed.


PS Norden stated that Cambridge experienced a number of cyclist related problems and that action was taken to address those. He suggested that all bike owners should mark their machines and should take down a detailed description so that stolen bikes could be reunited with their owners. Members suggested that this advice should be promoted by the City Council.


5.   Members requested an update on the possibility of a Public Space Protection Order for Mill Road.


There was currently not enough evidence to support such a request. Problems in open spaces were often seasonal and any issues should be reported in order to build an evidence base for future action.


6.   Councillor Herbert: Is there any additional information on the recent incident in Ditton Lane?


Action is on-going but details cannot be shared at present. However, the residents can be assured that there is no public risk.


7.   Councillor Roberts: Crime figures in the Abbey Ward appear to be increasing. Why?


There are a number of reasons including changes to recording methods, increased numbers of bars in the area and higher than average incidents of domestic violence.


A multi-agency, violent crime, pilot scheme was being trialled in the area and the next report will include more details on that project.


Councillor Sinnott stated that a more comprehensive breakdown of crime figures was in the pipeline.


8.   Mr Woodburn: could this committee invite someone to attend to explain the policy on fixed speed cameras? They appear to be used only intermittently.


Inspector Matt Johnson stated that the cameras were active 24 hours a day.


Councillor Blencowe stated that this matter did not appear to be an area of concern for other residents. However, specific concerns could be raised direct with Councillors


9.   Councillor Smart: Could accident figures for Mill Road be reported to a future meeting?


Figures were already available on the County Council website.


Resolved: (unanimously) to agree the following priorities:  


     i.        Continue with the work against the supply of Class A drugs and the presence of persons linked to organised crime groups from the London area.


    ii.        Target street drinking and alcohol-related ASB in the Petersfield and Mill Road area.


   iii.        Address road safety matters such as vehicle speeding and anti-social cycling.