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26 Lease of Housing Land - Eastfields, Chesterton PDF 418 KB
This item is included on the agenda by way of formal notice
to the Chair, to the Group Spokespersons, to other members of the Committee and
to the public that the Executive Councillor is being asked to make this
for Decision:
The Council’s Housing Revenue Account (HRA) owns
the freehold to a number of parcels of land, on which Hundred Houses Society
historically had built a number of homes for social rent. Hundred Houses Society
currently lease the land from the City Council under two long leases, due to
expire in January 2065 and March 2119.
The housing on the site, which comprises 82 homes
built in 1935 and 41in 1993, is now in need of some refurbishment /
re-development to ensure that the housing provision continues to be maintained
to an appropriate standard.
To facilitate a financially viable refurbishment /
re-development of the site, Hundred Houses Society are seeking to re-negotiate
the terms of the two existing leases with the City Council, to arrive at one
new consolidated lease.
Decision of Executive Councillor for Housing:
The Executive Councillor resolved:
To agree that a new consolidated lease with Hundred
Houses Society, for lease of the land at Eastfields,
Chesterton (the areas marked on the plan at Appendix A of the Officer’s
report), is negotiated.
To delegate responsibility to the Director of
Customer & Community Services, in consultation with the Head of Property
Services, Head of Legal Services and Section 151 Officer, to agree the final
terms for lease, and to subsequently enter into a new consolidated lease for
the land at Eastfields, Chesterton.
Reason for the Decision:
As set out in the Officer’s report.
Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected:
Not applicable.
Scrutiny Considerations:
The Committee received a report from the Head of Strategic
Housing regarding a new consolidated lease with Hundred Houses Society, for lease of the
land at Eastfields, Chesterton.
The Committee
expressed support for the proposal and were pleased that a compromise, with
benefits for all parties, had been agreed.
The Committee resolved unanimously to endorse the
The Executive Councillor approved the recommendations.
Conflicts of interest declared by the Executive Councillor (and any
dispensations granted)
Not applicable.