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Home > Council and Democracy > Issue
50 Statement of Accounts 2013/14 PDF 37 KB
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The committee received a report from the Accountant (Projects and Publications) regarding the statement of accounts 2013/14.
The committee received a report from the Director of Ernst & Young regarding the external audit conclusions.
In response to members’ questions the Accountant (Projects and Publications) said the following:
The following changes since
the draft accounts presented to the committee in June have an impact on the
Council’s usable reserves:
£186,000 decrease in
General Fund reserves as a result of an adjustment to the carrying value of the
Council’s LBI deposit.
a net £30,000 increase in
General Fund earmarked reserves resulting from a £198,000 increase in safety
net grant in respect of business rates retention and a £168,000 decrease
reflecting an adjustment in respect of new car park equipment.
ii. The business rates retention adjustment is a timing
difference reflecting that whilst the council recognises
the safety net payment in 2013/14, the deficit it is funding is recovered from
the General Fund in future years. The car park equipment adjustment reflects
expenditure which would otherwise have been recognised
in 2014/15.
In response to members’ questions the Chief Executive said the following:
Despite changes to process and the management of
the service the Finance Team had ensured a successful audit with no risks
Further improvements to financial processes would
be progressed by the new Head of Finance in due course.
Interim shared services with South Cambs District
Council had assisted with the process and would help ensure resilience going
The committee specifically thanked the Accountant
(Projects and Publications) and welcomed the audit results.
Resolved (unanimously) to:
Receive the audit
findings presented by Ernst & Young.
Approve the
Statement of Accounts for the year ending 31 March 2014.
Authorise the
Chair to sign the Letter of Representation and audited Statement of Accounts
for the financial year ending 31 March 2014 on behalf of the Council.