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5 Draft Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning Document 2014 PDF 55 KB
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Matter for
The Officer’s report concerned the draft Affordable Housing
Supplementary Planning Document (SPD), which will sit alongside the Cambridge
Local Plan 2014 once adopted.
The SPD supports Policy 45: Affordable housing and dwelling mix of the
submission version Cambridge Local Plan 2014. The policy is included in
Appendix 1 of the draft SPD.
The draft Affordable Housing SPD has been prepared to replace the
council’s current Affordable Housing SPD (January 2008). Wide consultation
across relevant service areas within the council has been undertaken.
of Executive Councillor for Planning and Climate Change
Agreed the content of the draft
Affordable Housing SPD (Appendix A of the Officer’s report).
Agreed that amendments should be agreed by the
Executive Councillor in consultation with Chair and Spokes of Development Plan
Scrutiny Sub Committee (DPSSC).
Agreed the draft Affordable Housing SPD would be
subject to public consultation for 6 weeks in June/July 2014.
Reason for the Decision
As set out in the Officer’s report.
Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected
Not applicable.
The Committee received a report from the Planning Policy Officer.
The Committee made the following comments in response to the report:
Labour Councillors
expressed concern that legislation from 2013 may enable developers to challenge
council planning decisions on technicalities.
Asked Officers to give
DPSSC reassurance that the Draft Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning
Document would defend affordable housing provision as much as possible.
In response to Members’ questions the Head of Strategic Housing,
Planning Policy Manager, Principal Planning Officer and Principal Planning
Policy Officer said the following:
Developers are required to demonstrate when it
would be possible (viable) to provide affordable housing on-site; and financial
contributions would only be acceptable in the instances set out in the Draft
Affordable Housing SPD. It was noted that viability levels may change between
the city’s wards.
It was not possible to predict in advance if
developers would deliberately aim to provide financial contributions instead of
affordable housing. A robust system should discourage this.
Developers had to demonstrate viability as part of
the application process. The Council could not demand affordable housing where
it was not viable. The Council can seek financial contributions in the form of
overage provision, if it became apparent that affordable housing was viable,
after the initial assessment said it was not.
Referred to Cambridge Local Plan 2014 – Draft
Submission Policy 45. The viability of providing affordable housing on
development sites, off-site, or making financial contributions would depend on
the size and nature of developments. On-site provision was more likely for
bigger schemes.
The wording of Local Plan Policy 46: Development of
Student Housing reflected that it was not considered viable for the Council to
collect financial contributions towards delivery of affordable housing from
student accommodation. The development of new student housing would not be
required to contribute to the supply of affordable housing.
The Principal
Planning Policy Officer undertook to circulate the evidence base for not
collecting financial contributions from student accommodation to DPSSC post
In the instance of sites in the current Cambridge
Local Plan 2006, it was noted that a limited number of allocations in the plan
allowed for provision of student accommodation in lieu of affordable
housing. This meant that the 40% of the
site which would normally be given over to affordable housing could be
developed as student housing. This approach was taken in the 2006 plan to
deliver more student housing for Anglia Ruskin University to meet their need.
The Cambridge Local Plan 2014: Proposed Submission document does not continue
this approach.
References to “registered social landlords” in the
Officer’s report (specifically paragraph 3.25 (P43)) should read “registered
The Head of Strategic Housing and Planning Policy
Manager undertook to review the wording of paragraphs 3.13 - 3.25 (P41 - 43) of
the Officer’s report post meeting, then pass details to the Chair and Spokes
for comment. Specifically to clarify financial contribution levels (ie
minimums); and how contributions would be collected, administered and used.
Where the Council agrees, on viability grounds, to
a reduction in the level of affordable housing below that specified by policy;
it will require the resulting Section 106 agreement to include an ‘overage’
provision. If the financial return to the developer when units are sold exceeds
the level included in the submitted viability assessment, a proportionate
additional contribution would be made to affordable housing in the city. The
Council would require the Section 106 agreement in these cases to make
provision for an assessment of overage at the time of sale of units.
The Cambridge Local Plan 2014: Proposed Submission
document states that affordable housing will be provided on ‘aparthotel’ schemes. This policy will be tested when the
Cambridge Local Plan 2014: Proposed Submission is examined by the Planning
The final Affordable Housing SPD will be brought
back to DPSSC after the draft Affordable Housing SPD has undergone public
consultation for 6 weeks in June/July 2014, and the Cambridge Local Plan 2014
has been examined by the Planning Inspector.
The Planning Policy Manager undertook to include Romsey Ward in Appendix 2 Figure 1 (Officer’s report P61).
The Draft Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning
Document provides guidance. The pre-application process would be used to manage
application design features before an application progressed too far to change
these, and prevent high maintenance costs blocking the implementation of
affordable housing.
The Affordable Housing Supplementary Planning
Document would be reviewed annually.
(Reference paragraph 7.1, Officer’s report P53) If
a private individual bought a property under ‘right to buy’, the monies would
be used to support the delivery of further affordable housing.
The Planning Policy
Manager undertook to clarify the impact of ‘right to acquire’ if registered
providers bought properties.
The housing need assessment suggested that one
bedroom properties should form up to 20% of the total supply available. This
could be regularly reviewed.
Officers could review the mixed use of community
features in future e.g. houses and businesses sharing car parks.
The Committee unanimously resolved to endorse the recommendations.
The Executive Councillor
approved the recommendations.
Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any
Dispensations Granted)
No conflicts of interest
were declared by the Executive Councillor.