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32 Area Committee Grants PDF 178 KB
The Committee received a report from the Operations & Resources Manager.
The report referred to applications received to date for 2014/15 funding for projects in the West Central Area and made recommendations for awards and providing information on the eligibility and funding criteria.
Members Comments:
Councillor Smith suggested that the timings for bringing
this report to Committee should be reviewed as it was inappropriate for the Committee
to be making grant awards in the run up to an election. Operations &
Resources Manager suggested that this was because the groups need to know what
funding they have as early as possible and further delay of a couple of months
into the financial year may be difficult for some groups..
Councillor Hipkin stated that it was disappointing that so few applications for grants came forward. The Operations and Resources Manager suggested that this was on the increase now that the grants were handled in-house. Promotion of grants was on-going across the city.
The Committee:
Resolved (unanimously) to agree the following awards:
WC1 Christ's Pieces
Residents Association Two talks
WC2 Friends of Midsummer Common
WC3 Little Monkeys parent and
toddler playgroup
WC4 St Augustine's Church
WC5 St Giles Church Sixth annual
Christmas Tree Festival
WC6 The Liveaboard Trust River Art Festival
WC7 Under
Fives Roundabout
WC8 Windsor Road Residents
Association Meetings