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Review of Community Development and Arts and Recreation Development Grants

Meeting: 11/07/2014 - Community Services Scrutiny Committee (Item 40)

40 Review of Community Development and Arts and Recreation Development Grants pdf icon PDF 228 KB

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Matter for Decision

To agree new grant priorities and desired outcomes for Community, Arts and Recreation Development Grants to be used for assessing all future applications.


To agree the budget for Community, Arts and Recreation Development Grants from 2015/16.


Decision of Executive Councillor for Community, Arts and Recreation


The Executive Councillor resolved:


     i.        to agree new priorities and outcomes for the Council’s Community, Arts and Recreation Development Grants as set out in Section 7, paragraphs 7.1 and 7.2 of the Officer’s report;

    ii.        that, the 2015/16 budget for Community, Arts and Recreation Development Grants is provisionally set as £900,000 subject to confirmation as part of the 2015/16 budget round;

   iii.        that, once confirmed as part of the 2015/16 budget round, the budget for Community, Arts and Recreation Development Grants will be frozen at that level for a further two years (2016/17 and 2017/18);

  iv.        that the amount of the overall budget devolved to area committees for 2015/16 is provisionally set as £80,000 and distributed as set out in Section 7, paragraph 7.3c, subject to confirmation at Community Services Scrutiny Committee in January 2015; and

   v.        that the Community, Arts and Recreation Development Grants are renamed ‘Community Grants’.


Reason for the Decision

As set out in the Officer’s report.


Any Alternative Options Considered and Rejected

Not applicable.


Scrutiny Considerations

The Committee received a report from the Head of Community Development regarding new grant priorities and desired outcomes for Community, Arts and Recreation Development Grants.


The Committee made the following comments in response to the report:

     i.        Expressed concerns that they were being asked to agree cuts without fully understanding the impact that would have on services.

     i.        Some members argued that the Junction was a special case and should be allowed extra time for new management structures to achieve results.

    ii.        Some members stated that the budget should not be agreed until all applications had been received.


In response to Members’ questions the Head of Community Development said the following:

   iii.        The proposed priorities and outcomes will focus future grant funding on helping those residents who have the highest needs whether this is because of poverty or because they experience barriers due to equalities issues.

  iv.        No individual funding decisions are being requested today.

   v.        The Executive Councillor was being asked to agree future priorities and desired outcomes against which future applications would be assessed.

  vi.        Some voluntary sector groups and organisations would be well placed to deliver the desired outcomes while others might need to seek funding elsewhere if  they are unable to meet the proposed priorities and outcomes.

 vii.        Positive meetings had been held with groups representing the voluntary sector.

viii.        Consultation had suggested that an average 25% grant reduction was sustainable for most services.

  ix.        The Junction was in year three of a three year agreement. There is currently no agreement to fund the Junction beyond 2014/15. This would be dependent upon the Junction’s grant application which would be assessed against the proposed priorities and outcomes in the same way as applications from all other voluntary sector groups and organisations.


Councillor Reid stated that setting a budget cut ahead of budget setting decision was premature. She stated that further information was needed to allow proper debate and proposed the following amendment to the recommendations (delete wording struck through and insert the underlined):


     i.        To agree new priorities and outcomes for the Council’s Community, Arts and Recreation Development Grants as set out in Section 7, paragraphs 7.1 and 7.2 of the Officer’s report;


    ii.        That a decision as to the future funding of the Junction is made after a  review by CSSC of the Junction's viability; 


   iii.        That, the 2015/16 budget for Community, Arts and Recreation Development Grants is provisionally set as £900,000 subject to confirmation as part of the 2015/16 budget round;   


  iv.        That the 2015/16 budget for Community Arts and Recreation Grants is set at a level which will protect services for those with high needs, the level  to be ascertained following the grant application round;


   v.        That, once confirmed as part of the 2015/16 budget round, the budget for Community, Arts and Recreation Development Grants will be frozen at that level for a further two years (2016/17 and 2017/18);


  vi.        That the amount of the overall budget devolved to area committees for 2015/16 is provisionally set as £80,000 and distributed as set out in Section 7, paragraph 7.3c, subject to confirmation at Community Services Scrutiny Committee in January 2015; and


 vii.        That the Community, Arts and Recreation Development Grants are renamed ‘Community Grants’.


The Director of Customer and Community Services stated that this process had built in a long lead in time to allow clarity and stability for the sector


Councillor Reid requested that her amendment be considered in two stages amended recommendations i and ii, followed by amended recommendations iii to vii.


On a show of hands amended recommendations i and ii were lost by 4 votes to 3.

On a show of hands amended recommendations iii to vii were lost by 4 votes to 3.


Councillor Reid requested that the substantive recommendations be considered individually.


The Committee resolved unanimously to endorse the recommendation i.

The Committee resolved by 4 votes to 3 to endorse the recommendation ii.

The Committee resolved unanimously to endorse the recommendation iii.

The Committee resolved unanimously to endorse the recommendation iv.

The Committee resolved unanimously to endorse the recommendation v.


The Executive Councillor approved the recommendations.