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Consultation on Draft Community Safety Partnership Priorities 2014-15 - NAC 06/02/14

Meeting: 06/02/2014 - North Area Committee (Item 12)

12 Consultation on Draft Community Safety Partnership Priorities 2014-15 - NAC 06/02/14 pdf icon PDF 63 KB


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The Committee received a report from the Director of Customer & Community Services.


The report outlined that the Cambridge Community Safety Partnership (CCSP) is currently consulting on new priorities following the production of a detailed Strategic Assessment of crime, disorder and anti-social behaviour across the City. These priorities will guide the work of the Partnership over the coming three-year period from 2014-2017 although the plan will be updated annually to ensure it reflects the needs of the community. This paper provides background information for consultation with Area Committees.


The Committee received a presentation from Chief Inspector Sloan. The following points were made:

     i.        The level of reported crime was reducing for the last 5 – 10 years.

    ii.        People were asked to give feedback on CCSP priorities through the city council website.


Members of the public made the following comments:


1.   Ann Sinott: Domestic abuse should be added as a priority. Current recording methods do not differentiate this from other crimes. Domestic violence can result in fatalities and is costly in financial terms.

2.   Richard Taylor: It is difficult for the public to contribute to area priority setting as it is often unclear what has been agreed at the citywide level. Could better information be provided?

3.   Clair Blair: Under reporting of violence towards young people and young people as victims could be added as a priority.

4.   Mr Sargent: The remit of the Partnership was not clear to the public.

5.   Mr Davison: Third party reporting of crime was hampered by the number of agencies involved and fears of reprisals.


The Area Committee considered the evidence in the Strategic Assessment 2013 (Appendix A of the Officer’s report) and made the following comments in response to the draft CCSP priorities:

     i.        Parking issues including obstruction of pavements and grass verge damage were agreed to be a problem.

    ii.        Details were missing regarding hate crime and it was unclear which groups were experiencing difficulties.

   iii.        The links between alcohol and violent crime need to be explored.


The Director of Customer & Community Services confirmed that Domestic Abuse had been raised at every Area Committee consultation and it had been agreed that more work was needed at a local level to provide support and advocacy and to encourage reporting. She also, highlighted the work being undertaken with troubled families.




The North Area Committee agreed that the following key issues be suggested to the partnership for further consideration:


     i.        Domestic Abuse  (unanimous)

    ii.        Pavement Parking (by 5 votes to 3)

    iii.            Young People as Victims (by 11 votes to 0)