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6 Consultation on Draft Community Safety Partnership Priorities 2014-15 - EAC 09/01/14 PDF 30 KB
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The Committee received a report from Detective Chief
Inspector Sloane regarding the consultation on Draft Community Safety Partnership
Ms Ann Sinnott requested a firm commitment from the Community Safety
Partnership to make domestic abuse a high priority.
Detective Chief Inspector Sloane stated
that the increase in crime incidents of domestic abuse reflected an increased
level of reporting, which indicated that improvements were being made in
raising the profile of this crime. In response Ann Sinnott cited evidence, including Cambridge Community Safety
Partnership’s October 2013 Report, which showed that the rate of reporting had
actually fallen. Detective Chief Inspector Sloane confirmed that further
work with the County Council was needed to tackle the issue.
Mr Antony Carpen highlighted the need for a city-wide Community
Development Strategy in order to strengthen local communities.
This comment was noted.
Mr Antony Carpen highlighted the lack of night time economy targeted
at older people.
This comment was noted.
Mr Antony Carpen highlighted the need to work with colleges and
language schools to educate students on safe cycling practices.
This comment was noted.
Mr Richard Taylor
suggested that more joint working between the police, Magistrates, the NHS and
Area Committees would be beneficial.
This comment was noted.
Councillor Smart
highlighted the impact that cuts in mental health services could have and
welcomed the inclusion of the related strategic objective. Councillor Moghadas supported this.
This comment was noted.
Councillor Hart asked if there was scope to
include domestic abuse as a strategic objective in order to raise its profile.
Councillor Moghadas supported this.
Detective Chief Inspector Sloane responded that if domestic abuse was raised as an important issue through the consultation there would be scope to include it as a strategic objective.
Councillor Owers asked why drug related issues did not feature as a
high priority – especially as it was often featured in the Safer Neighbourhood
Detective Chief Inspector Sloane
responded that, whilst the East Area did have a local police priority related
to drug offences, this is a city-wide consultation.
Councillor Moghadas asked how successful the Immobilise Scheme had
Detective Chief Inspector Sloane responded
that it was a valuable tool and the police were encouraging as many people as
possible to use it.
Councillor Johnson
asked what challenges there were for the police in working in a 2-tier City
such as Cambridge.
Detective Chief Inspector Sloane
responded that, whilst good practice was employed from other areas, Cambridge
was a fairly unique City. Close working between the police and the two Councils
was very important.
Councillor Roberts
commented that the perception or crime, as well as the raw data, was an
important factor. It was suggested that more visible policing could be beneficial.
Detective Chief Inspector Sloane agreed
that the perception of crime was an important factor. Bringing crime figures
down and then marketing these successes was one way of tackling this.
In response to the discussion, the Area Committee agreed that domestic
abuse should be added as an additional strategic priority.
The Area Committee suggested that the following priorities be adopted:
To understand the
impact of mental health, alcohol and drug misuse on violent crime and
anti-social behaviour.
Domestic Abuse
(with local work around awareness raising and training).
Acquisitive Crime – looking at emerging trends.
Alcohol related
violent crime – extending the pub clusters if necessary.
Behaviour – embedding new ways of working.
To continue to track and
support County led work on
The Partnership will keep a
watching brief on road safety issues by:
collaboratively with politicians and the County Road Safety Partnership.
Addressing local
issues through the Neighbourhood profiles at Area Committees.
The Safer Communities Section Manager confirmed that the
consultation would be available on the CSP website from 10 January 2014. It was
also noted that a full report would be brought back to the Strategy and
Resources Scrutiny Committee on 17 March 2014.