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8 Location of Panna for Cherry Hinton Recreation Ground PDF 321 KB
The Committee received a report from the Technical Officer.
The report outlined that following a recent update of the play area at Cherry Hinton recreation ground, a Panna (micro football pitch) has been planned for installation in early 2014. However, after a consultation was carried out in September 2013, an objection to the proposed positioning of the Panna on the Recreation Ground was received from one of the end properties of Chequers Close which would overlook the proposed location.
The Council would therefore like to revisit the choice of location with the option of two further positions which may offer better options in minimising anti-social behaviour adjacent to nearby residences.
Councillor Ashton sought clarification if
there would be space for the Panna if the pavilion
expanded. The Technical Officer said there would
be little impact as the Panna was small.
Following discussion, Members resolved (unanimously):
i. To choose Option C as the new position of the Panna (Appendix A in the Officer’s report).
ii. The Area Chair to sign-off (post meeting) the associated project appraisal for commencement of the installation of the Panna as Option C (Appendix A in the Officer’s report).