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26 Customer Services and Resources Portfolio Plan 2014/15 PDF 28 KB
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Matter for Decision: To consider the draft Customer Services and Resources
Portfolio Plan 2014-15. The Plan sets out the strategic objectives for the
portfolio for the year ahead, describes the context in which the portfolio is
being delivered and details the activities required to deliver the outcomes and
the vision.
Decision of the Executive Councillor:
The Executive Councillor resolved to:
the Customer Services and Resources Portfolio Plan 2014-15.
Reasons for the Decision: As set out in
the officer’s report
Any alternative
options considered and rejected: As set out in the officer’s report
The Executive
Councillor for Customer Services and Resources introduced the Portfolio Plan
for 2014/15.
In response to member’s questions the Director of Business Transformation said the following:
i. A Transformation Programme Office manages the interplay between multiple projects; identifying the work required and aligning it against the Council’s budget and policy framework.
ii. With regard to Service Reviews, support was currently being provided for ICT Strategy, shared Legal Services and the merging of Waste Services. A full list of current and future Service Reviews was included in the Council’s Budget Setting Report (BSR).
In response to member’s questions the Chief Executive said the following:
iii. A significant work programme was in place to manage the implementation of Individual Electoral Registration (IER). The Electoral Services Manager had met with 22 of the 30 Colleges in the City to discuss the implications of IER on the student population, and was also involved in national debate on the issue.
iv. Would be happy to provide a more detailed briefing on request.
Councillor Rosenstiel emphasised that, whilst a good dialogue had been established with the Colleges, IER would be a major and costly piece of work for the Council.
In response to member’s questions the Head of Revenues and Benefits said the following:
Provided an update about the migration of housing
benefit to universal credit, along with the uncertainty in relation to
timetable for housing benefit and pension credit.
The Scrutiny Committee considered the recommendation and endorsed it by 4 votes to 0.
The Executive Councillor approved the recommendation.
Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor
(and any Dispensations Granted):
Not applicable.