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Developer Contributions Devolved Decision-Making: 2nd Round Priority-Setting

Meeting: 06/02/2014 - North Area Committee (Item 10)

10 Developer Contributions Devolved Decision-Making: 2nd Round Priority-Setting pdf icon PDF 8 KB



Additional documents:


The Committee received a report from the Urban Growth Project Manager. The report asked the Area Committee to identify five local project priorities (including at least one grant-based project). The choice of options would need to reflect the availability of devolved funding in the relevant contribution types.


Public Questions:


1.          Mrs Blair: What were the criteria under which projects were allocated to either the strategic or the devolved Area Committee funding pot?


The Urban Growth Project Manager explained that devolved decision-making over the use of developer contributions had been established on the basis that an area committee’s local priorities – for S106 projects primarily benefitting that area of the city – would be financed from the developer contributions funding devolved to that area. It was for each area committee to consider which projects were primarily of local benefit. Strategic projects are those that benefit more than one area of the city; these are financed from city-wide developer contributions funding and the priorities are set by the relevant Executive Councillors. Examples of strategic community facilities projects from the first priority-setting round include the development of Cherry Trees Day Centre and the Centre at St Paul’s and the extension of St Andrew’s Hall.


BMX track next to Brown’s Field Community Centre:


The Urban Growth Project Manager highlighted that the reference to the BMX track project in paragraph 3.7a of the report should read the “proposed improvements to the BMX track next to Brown’s Field Community Centre”. The consultation feedback relating to this first round local priority had also been added to the agenda papers as a supplementary document.


Taking account of the consultation feedback and the comments raised during the Open Forum, the Committee expressed concerns that the costs for the BMX tract were escalating and the project was not universally supported by the community. Reservations were also expressed about the proposal for electronic equipment at a ‘start-finish’ station. It was agreed that more information and consultation with neighbours and BMX track users was needed before a report back to the Committee for a decision on this project.


Consideration of second round short-listed project options:


Members of the public made a number of statements, as set out below.


Community Rooms at Milton Road Library


2.   Richard Robertson, Chair, Friends of Milton Road Library:

·        A new building, including community meeting space, was proposed because the existing library has structural defects.

·        Partnership working with the County Council, City Council and local groups has produced a vision for a community resource.

·        The financial strategy involved the provision of flats above the library being used to cross-finance the community facility.

·        The £100,000 community facilities developer contributions funding requested was needed to make the project viable.


3.   Chloe Austin and Lucy Orlowski, Young People's Representatives

·        There was an enthusiastic project steering group for the project.

·        Planned used for the space included: a film group, a book club and a youth club.

·        Visiting speakers were planned.

·        Current facilities for young people were limited.


4.   Michael Bond, Friends of Milton Road Library and Treasurer of Chesterton Residents’ Association

·        The building would be self-regulated and self- financing via room booking fees.


5.   Ian Douglas, District Library Manager: Cambridge, Cambridgeshire County Council

·        This was a partnership project.

·        Ideas were coming from voluntary groups

·        Had the potential to use the library building for longer periods of the day.

·        Offers good value for money.

·        Whilst the grant-funding sought would be directly for the community facilities, it could also indirectly make possible the continuing provision of library services across Cambridge and in the North area in particular.

·        Welcomed the on-going dialogue with local residents’ associations and would continue to work with them to address reservations and to find a way forward.


6.   Dr Mike Kemp - Ascham Road Area Residents Association

·        Had supported the plan but, as details emerged, concern was growing.

·        Site appeared to be being overdeveloped.

·        Size and mass of the planned building was too big.

·        Parking would be an issue for local residents.

·        There were other facilities in the area for young people.

·        Funding should not be allocated with the presumption of redevelopment.

·        The existing building could be saved.


St Andrew’s Church Hall extension


7.   Michael Bond, Treasurer of St Andrew's Hall Management Committee:

·        Referred to paragraph 3.8 of the report and provided an update on the first round strategic priority for the extension of St Andrew’s Hall. The tenders had been much higher than expected. A review of the design was being undertaken with a view to reducing the costs.


In the light of comments made by public speakers in relation to the proposal for community rooms at Milton Road library, the Urban Growth Project Manager noted that developer contributions had been used to enable the provision of community facilities within existing library buildings in other parts of the city. He advised that, if the Area Committee wished to prioritise the proposals for Milton Road library, the full amount requested (up to £100,000) could be allocated to the project, subject to a follow-up report within six months for an update on the development of the proposals.


Following discussion, Members resolved to:


     i.        Defer consideration of additional funding and approval for the implementation of the first round priority project for BMX track improvements next to Brown Field.


    ii.        Identify the following local priorities to be funded from devolved developer contributions funding, subject to local consultation and project appraisal as follows:


·        Option B: Buchan Street Neighbourhood Centre extension.

·        Option C: Community rooms at Milton Road library redevelopment

·        Option F: New play area by Perse Way flats

·        Option D: Trim Trail at Alexandra Gardens

·        Option G: Improved lighting for multi-use games area at Nun’s Way.


  1. Request that the relevant Executive Councillors be asked formally to make available the revenue funding implications of the local priorities for the new Play area by Perse Way flats, the trim trail at Alexandra Gardens and any additional electricity/running costs of the improved lighting for the multi-use games area at Nun’s Way.