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Customer Services & Resources Portfolio Revenue and Capital Budgets 2013/14 (Revised), 2014/15 (Estimate) and 2015/16 (Forecast)

Meeting: 20/01/2014 - Strategy and Resources Scrutiny Committee (Item 7)

7 Customer Services & Resources Portfolio Revenue and Capital Budgets 2013/14 (Revised), 2014/15 (Estimate) and 2015/16 (Forecast) pdf icon PDF 180 KB

Report to follow


Matter for Decision: The report detailed the budget proposals which relate to this portfolio that are included in the Budget-Setting Report (BSR) 2014/15. The report also included recommendations concerning the review of charges, project appraisals and capital re-phasing for schemes in the Capital and Revenues Project Plan for this portfolio.


Decision of the Executive Councillor for Customer Services and Resources


The Executive Councillor resolved to:


Review of Charges:


a)   Approve the proposed charges for this portfolio’s services and facilities, as shown in Appendix A of the Officer’s report.




b)   Approve, where relevant, project appraisals (shown in Appendix D of the Officer’s report).


c)    Seek approval from the Executive to carry forward resources from 2013/14, as detailed in Appendix C of the Officer’s report, to fund re-phased capital spending.


Reasons for the Decision: As set out in the Officer’s report


Any alternative options considered and rejected: As set out in the Officer’s report


Scrutiny Considerations:


The committee received a report from the Director of Resources.


In response to member’s questions the Director of Resources said the following:



i.                 Following a review of the liabilities against the Insurance Fund, an additional contribution of £120,000 was required. It was agreed that more detail would be provided to Councillor Herbert outside of the meeting.

ii.               A review of the Corporate Document Management System Project has identified £148,000 of the original capital budget as a saving. As the original funding took into account implementation and roll out of the project across the Council it was therefore very difficult to calculate an accurate costing.

iii.             A detailed review of commercial property assets is ongoing.     


In response to member’s questions the Executive Councillor for Customer Services and Resources said the following:


       i.          Increasing the commercial property net rental income has been greatly aided by having a new long term Head of Property in post.


The committee resolved by 4 votes to 0 to endorse the recommendations.


The Executive Councillor approved the recommendation.


Conflicts of Interest Declared by the Executive Councillor (and any Dispensations Granted):


Not applicable.