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Proposals for Polling Districts, Polling Places and Polling Stations

Meeting: 29/01/2014 - Civic Affairs (Item 6)

6 Review of Polling Districts, Polling Places and Polling Stations pdf icon PDF 155 KB

Report attached separately

Additional documents:


An introduction was given by the Chief Executive.


The committee received a report from the Electoral Services Manager regarding the review of polling districts, polling places and polling stations.


Changes to Market Ward (page 10 of the Officer’s report)


In response to a question from the Chair the Electoral Services Manager confirmed that the Corn Exchange Foyer was not available for the 2014 elections and that St.Columba’s Hall had been secured as an alternative polling station. Fisher Hall would continue to be used for Newnham Ward. 


Changes to Newnham Ward (page 10 of the Officer’s report)


The Chair noted that, whilst owners had an obligation to make their venues fully accessible for disabled people, he supported the compromise being discussed with Trinity College about the possible use of a building on Old Field.


Changes to Romsey Ward (page 11 of the Officer’s report)


The Chair proposed the following amendments, which had been circulated prior to the meeting: 


·       Alfred Court – should be in LB (not LA)

·       Ashtead Court – should be in LC (not LB)

·       Jubilee Terrace – included as Catharine Street in LA (for info)

·       Montreal Road & Montreal Square – should be in LC (not LB)

·       St. Phillip’s Road – whole road should be in LA (not split)

·       Stourbridge Grove – should be in LC (not LA)

·       Vinery Way – Should be one listing in LC (22 properties in total)

Updated statistics


The committee expressed support for these amendments.


Councillor Smart (Ward Councillor) felt that the suggested changes were a solution to a long running problem. It was proposed however that the division between Cavendish Road on the ‘odd number’ side is moved up to numbers 63-65.


The committee expressed support for this amendment.


In response to a question from the Chair the Electoral Services Manager confirmed that the owners of St. Phillip’s Hall and a church hall on Vinery Road would prefer that neither be used as a polling station. With regard to an alternative County Council owned facility on the corner diagonally opposite the Sainsbury’s on Coldhams Lane, Officers were chasing a response. The option of a temporary cabin located in Sainsbury’s car park was also being investigated.


Members discussed different options regarding the proposed split of house numbers on Coldhams Lane. It was noted that the relevant Ward Councillors had expressed differing opinions. 


The committee proposed that the Chief Executive consult Romsey Ward Councillors on the options relating to Coldhams Lane and make a decision based on the majority view. 


Changes to Trumpington Ward (page 14 of the Officer’s report)


Members discussed in detail the option of creating a third polling district (MC) in Trumpington. 


The Chair questioned whether north/south was the correct way to divide Trumpington. Councillor Smart responded that, as a member of the Joint Development Control Committee which looked at the growth sites, she felt that this was the best way to divide Trumpington.


In response to a question from Councillor Ashton the Democratic Services Manager confirmed that maps were sent to all relevant Ward Councillors for comment prior to the report being drafted. A copy of the final report was also circulated to Ward Councillors for information. 



The Democratic Services Manager confirmed that the following would be built by March 2015:


-        324 new homes on Trumpington Meadows

-        400 new homes on Clay Farm

-        210 new homes on Glebe Farm

In response to a question from the Chair the Electoral Services Manager confirmed that she did not think that Trumpington Village Hall would be a suitable polling station if the number of electors significantly increased. Councillor Smart responded that extra rooms were available at the venue and her view was that the venue would be suitable.


The Committee agreed that combining the polling place for MB and MC polling districts would resolve the issue of the location of a new polling station within the new MC polling district, allowing the current polling station in MB to be used until building of the new community centre in MC was completed.


Resolved (unanimously) to:

See report recommendations


Agree the following - as per Appendix 1 of the Officer’s report, subject to the agreed changes (as above):

Romsey Ward

As per appendix 1 but with the following changes:


·       Alfred Court – should be in LB (not LA)

·       Ashtead Court – should be in LC (not LB)

·       Jubilee Terrace – included as Catharine Street in LA (for info)

·       Montreal Road & Montreal Square – should be in LC (not LB)

·       St. Phillip’s Road – whole road should be in LA (not split)

·       Stourbridge Grove – should be in LC (not LA)

Vinery Way – Should be one listing in LC (22 properties in total)



·       Division between Cavendish Road on the ‘odd number’ side moved up to numbers 63-65.

·       Chief Executive to consult Romsey Ward Councillors on the options relating to Coldhams Lane and make a decision based on the majority view. 


Trumpington Ward

Reject the proposal to move some properties from MA to MB.

Agree the creation of a third polling district (MC) and designate the polling place for that district to be the whole of MB and MC polling districts