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13/1122/FUL - planning report

Meeting: 14/11/2013 - West Central Area Committee (Item 65)

65 13/1122/FUL - 6 John Street Cambridge pdf icon PDF 115 KB

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The Committee received a revised application for full planning permission.


The application sought consent for the erection of a part two storey, part single storey rear extension.


The Committee received representations in objection to the application from Mr Epps, owners of 36 Grafton Street speaking on behalf of local residents.


The representation covered the following issues:


     i.        The application is virtually the same as the previously rejected application.

    ii.        None of the concerns from the last application seem to have been addressed.

   iii.        Goes against the Local Plan.

  iv.        The application would create a precedent.

   v.        The property already has a two storey extension.

  vi.        The proposed dimensions could be reduced.

 vii.        The design and size of the extension is not in keeping with the character of the surrounding area.


Mr Virdee (Applicant) spoke in support of this application.  


County Councillor Nethsingha addressed the Committee on this application:


The representation covered the following issues:


     i.        Inappropriate development.

    ii.        The height has only been reduced by 500mm.

   iii.        The mass of the building would visually dominate the existing street scene.

  iv.        Would destroy a small but green open space.


The Committee:

Resolved (by 5 Vote to 3) to reject the Officer recommendation to approve the application.


Resolved (by 5 Vote to 3) to refuse the application contrary to the Officer recommendations for the following reason:


1.   The proposed extension, by reason of its width and proximity to no.36 Grafton Street, would unreasonably visually dominate the residential amenity of the occupants of no.36 Grafton Street contrary to policy 3/14(b) of the Cambridge Local Plan (2006).